I know, I know...it's been a few weeks since my last post (actually if you want to be totally corny...I haven't posted since last year...HA!)
Well, what can I say, the pumpkin is 8 months tomorrow and she keeps us pretty busy!!
Her top two teeth have broken the skin (that was fun) and they are very visible -- so much so that Daddy sometimes refers to her as 'big tooth'...what a mean Daddy!!! LOL. It's all in good fun. (Although I have my own problems...she likes to rub or grind her two top teeth on the two bottom ones...and oh my...egghhh...getting the heebie-jeebies just talking about it! I can hear Jay "now, you know what I feel like" b/c my husband says that I also grind my teeth!)
The Pumpkin is now semi-mobile. She can't crawl forward, she can kind of scoot backward, but she's best at what Jay and I call 'helicoptering.' Basically, she lies on her stomach and moves in circles like a helicopter and can actually move herself from point A to point B, it just take a little time to get there...but it's so cute!
As much as I don't want to jinx it, I can report that for the past few nights Evelyn has been sleeping completely and consistently through the night! (no more 4 a.m. bottle!! woohoo!) Who knows if this will last or stop when her next growth spurt comes, but Jay and I know she can do without that bottle now. We might have to cry-it-out a couple nights if my heart can take it (probably not though...lol).
Believe it or not, we are actually starting plan Evelyn's 1st Birthday! What?!?!? I can't believe I just wrote that! Four short months from now, our little pumpkin will turn 1! It really does go fast. A week or so ago a new baby (2-month old boy) started at Evelyn's daycare and that was hard to swallow...she's not the baby anymore :(
Well, at least she'll be our baby forever.