Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Attention Everything Evelyn followers!!! BIG NEWS!!! Our little pumpkin has gone potty....on the POTTY!!!!! Yay!!! While it's not like she 'asked' to use the potty, it was the morning and i thought 'why not' let's put her on it. (she has been sitting on it here and there (usually w/clothes still on) but I'm not sure if she understood what it was for?) So this past Monday morning (4/11/2011) our little girl grew up even more (tear)... Although, I think Mommy got a little too excited and ended up scaring her b/c there she was...sitting naked on her little toilet - peeing and crying! AWWWWWW. Mommy is sorry pumpkin pies! We tried again this morning...and once again, when she started to go...she started crying! (Mommy did not jump up and down and scream this time though) So, I think she might be a little afraid of the whole process. Jay and I are just going to work on being reassuring and not rush or push anything. But...if I do say so myself, Kathy (Evelyn's daycare provider) told me that she has 3-year olds that are not even there yet.....GO Pumpkin GO! Mommy and Daddy are proud of you!!! Hugs, Kisses and Well Potty Wishes (yeah, I made that up...haha!)
Monday, April 11, 2011
Spring has Sprung!

The House
Let's start with the biggest event for the Tylec family - we moved! As of Saturday, February 19, 2011 we have resided on Locust Street in North Tonawanda in our 'dream' home!'
Moving was definitely a process! Jay and I couldn't believe how much 'stuff' we had! We cannot thank our family and friends enough for taking an entire weekend to help us into our new home - whether it was watching the pumpkin or physically moving 8 years worth of stuff, we are truly grateful for the constant support we received. We officially closed on both properties on March 4th (we were granted early occupancy since no one has lived in the house!) We are still not 100% unpacked because we still have a storage unit to deal with, which we filled up when we put the Dahlgreen house on the market back in August 2010! But, I would say we are 90% settled in the new house, which is a 3-bedroom, 2.5 bath home. We have a cozy living room with a fireplace, a family room with another fireplace, a beautiful kitchen with a 'sun-room' that overlooks our resort-like backyard! The backyard has an in-ground pool with connecting hot tub. Stamped concrete throughout most of the backyard will make for great entertaining with tables and a fire pit...and
not to mention our very own outdoor bar!! Tylec's Tiki Hut is officially open for business! Evelyn has transitioned just great to her new home. We have a lot of 'little' steps that lead from room to room to room, and Evelyn has done a great job learning to go down on her 'bum bum'...although she has already mastered walking up them without going up on her knees. She even likes to reach up and hold the railings. Evelyn's room is the only room we have actually done something to since moving in - which was paint it!! Finally - my little girl has a girly room!!
The walls are colored little princess purple and she has fun number decals on the walls and multi-colored 'fun' window curtains! I'm not done with her room yet...but things take time (and not to mention money!) and eventually I will have nails where I need nails (hello Jay) and 'fun' things all over her walls! The rest of the house will be a 'project' for some time I'm sure. There is a TON of 'interesting' wall paper in many of the rooms and all I can say - it's coming down! The previous owners left some curtains for us as well that are ...well....let's just say they are not my taste! But again...time and money! We did however purchase a sectional sofa for the family room which looks and fits great! And we picked out a formal dining room table that seats 6 (w/o the leaf) and it is just gorgeous. Jay picked them both out himself so - good job hunny!

Everything Evelyn
Anyway - onto what this blog is about - Everything Evelyn!!! Evelyn is now 22 months and her second birthday is a little more than a month away! We cannot believe how fast this has gone or just how much we love being parents! Evelyn weighs just a little more than 25lbs now and is still taller then your average pumpkin!
Poopy Pumpkin
Evelyn had a rough couple weeks in poor pumpkins caught something that would not let up! But first, it all started with an earring. Evelyn and I were hanging out on a typical Saturday as we often do while Jay works OT. I noticed her earring looked a little 'off,' and upon further investigation, I realized the entire back of her earring (clasp and all) was inside her the skin of her ear...all the way in the earring hole. HOLY MOLY! I tried to pull on it a little to see if it would 'pop' out (literally getting the chills just writing about this). Well, you can say my attempts did NOT go over well AT ALL! Pumpkin pie was not having it. I did my best to remain calm but I was SO nervous b/c I have never even heard of that happening!! We headed to Kidz Express and, while I was relieved that the nurse told me this is actually quite common, I was panicking because I knew what was about to happen to my pumpkin. They put some iodine on her ear and between myself, another helper and the doctor it was on. I held her arms and the helper held her legs while the doctor held her head to one side and used tweezers to coax it out (and I'm using coax as a nice term). I cannot even tell you how horrible this was for me as a Mom. Evelyn was so upset and scared...she was just screaming and sobbing. It took everything I had not to break down with her but I didn't want to scare her more! The whole
thing took about 1 minute..but any Mom who has to watch her child in pain will agree that 1 minute feels more like an hour! Within a few minutes after the earring was out, Evelyn was calmed down and even got a sucker and sticker for her bravery. I am serious when I say its a good thing she can't really talk yet because I would have given her anything - pony, buckets of ice! You name it! LOL. I still haven't put her earrings back in though. I guess there are types I can purchase that will not allow that to happen again, but at the same time, I'm on the fence about waiting until she is older to understand what earrings are for and how to 'respect' them, etc. (Not to mention, it would make changing them a whole lot easier too!) About a week after the earring incident, Evelyn wasn't acting like herself. There was a lot more whining then normal, she wasn't really eating and she just wasn't her happy go-lucky pumpkin-self. I made a doctor app after I got 'the call' from daycare that I had to come pick her up b/c she was just constantly crying. Come to find out - Evelyn had a pretty bad ear infection. I feel awful for not knowing, but also happy that at least it was something! So, antibiotics it was! And even though Evelyn is allergic to amoxicillin, she doesn't have the same reaction to some other 'cillin' drugs so they put her on a 5-day treatment. Towards the end of those 5 days...Evelyn started getting 'worse.' She started waking up in the middle of the night crying, which she rarely does (knock on wood!). Let's just say...Ev was a little more than stinky on a few of these occasions...and not to mention during one middle of the night trip where she puked all over me and the floor --- greeeeeeaaaaattt! Our baby was now flu-sick...bottom line. I got 'the call' from daycare that I had to come pick her up once again b/c it was coming out of both ends with no stopping in sight! I called the doctor and they confirmed they were seeing several cases such as this and the best thing to do was rest and hydration - so that's what we did...with a lot of snuggling and hugs. On top of Evelyn being sick -- it seemed everyone else we knew was also catching a bug! My family, his family, the daycare families! Somehow, Jay and I both avoided getting sick! (knock on wood again!)

Spring Time!
It finally seems that everyone is recovered and just in time as we get ready for spring!! The weather is finally warming up...even if it is raining, I don't mind because I bought Evelyn the cutest rain gear including matching coat, boots and umbrella! She is a stylin' mermaid! We finally had a sunny/warm weekend this past one and we were out using our backyard for what its for - pumpkin playtime! Evelyn was riding her 4-wheeler around, playing in her tent
and just running all over the place. The pool is still covered but Jay and I will be investing in a safety fence to make sure we have maximum pumpkin protection. We just celebrated Papa Jerry's bday with an outdoor cookout over the Tylecs and Evelyn was just a busy little bee running all over the backyard! Both nights, the fresh air did the pumpkin good...bath, bottle and bed all by 7:30 (out like a light!) It was an enjoyable weekend to get out the house with her and play in our own secluded backyard. I have never been more sure that this move was the right decision then after this past weekend. It is only going to get better! Next up - Easter! Jay and I are hosting our first ever family holiday dinner! Both families will be coming over along with kids in tow so we are looking at 14 adults and 4 little ones! I'm excited! I love entertaining and who better to do it for then your family?!?! (famous last words, right?) My grandma is even going to come! Super special b/c of her limitations she wasn't able to get into the house on Dahlgreen, so I'm really happy she is going to see where her great-granddaughter will grow up! I'm planning your typical Easter menu of ham, sausage and sides (don't want to get to crazy with my fist big dinner party!) We're going to have an egg hunt in the backyard for the babies...and I just happened to find Easter DVD's when unpacking the other day so the kids can enjoy that while the rest of us watch the Buffalo Sabres in the playoffs during the afternoon! Here's to hoping it's a great day! This summer is going to be jam packed! Evelyn will turn 2 and then 3 babies will celebrate their 1st birthdays including Evelyn's cousin Austin (along with Isabelle and Cole!) Cousin's Brianna (turning 4) and AJ (2) will have a joint bday party b/c the Price family has some big things happening for them too...they too have a new house!! But instead of moving...they just knocked down their old one and built an entire new house!! It's still being finished by they should be able to move in within hopefully the next month or so? And in case your wondering - they are staying with my parents...dun, dun, dun...LOL.

Happy Spring and Have a 'Hoppy Easter' everyone!
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