Friday, January 20, 2012
Big surprise in store for our pumpkin tonight....we are going to see Disney On Ice!!!!! I cannot wait to see her face when Mickey, Minnie and the whole gang skates out on the ice! (I could almost cry...hope I'm not building up my expectations too much! LOL). We did take her last year, but just like Christmas, I think this is something that will get better and better with each passing year. I will be sure to have my camera in tow! My sister and her family are coming with us so its big Friday night out for both our families! We are really looking forward to it because none of the kids (at this point) know where they are going's just a 'surprise!'
On another exciting note, Evelyn's cousin, Brianna (4), lost her first tooth last night!!! I can't believe its already time for the tooth fairy to start making trips to our area. And since Brianna can't read this (yet)...I'll let you sister only had $20 and $50 bills on her as of last night! LOL...looks like the tooth fairy is going to be REALLY good! But she 'worked it out' with Brianna that she could hold onto her tooth for one more day to show Tim's parents...and the the tooth fairy would come the next night....good save Jenn...
Quick updates on the Pumpkin Pie -she started her Flinstones viatamins since my last post. I have been meaning to get them for some time, but they happened to grab my attention when I was walking past that 'healthy' aisle in the grocery store. Let me tell you - she loves them! Basically, my theory is that she thinks she is getting a piece of candy each morning...but hey, I'll take it!
Evelyn received her first birthday party invitation from a friend at daycare; it's her BFF Nolan (yes, a boy....LOL...Daddy was like 'what?'..hahaha). I made the 'mistake' of telling her about and now that's all she talks about - 'We go to Nolan's birthday party now?'....we still have about 8 days! When I asked her what present we should get Nolan, she told me he likes "strawberry cake and chocolate cake." Something tells me there is a little bit of "self interest" there in her response! Oh and...just so you know...Evelyn also informed me last night that chocolate is 'not a special treat and that you (she) should be able to have to all the time... "it not special mommy, eat chocolate dinner".... too funny!
And without going into too much detail (but this is for her memories too), Evelyn gave us her first real excorist-like upchuck not too long ago. Not sure if it was something she ate or a small bug, but holy cow. I'm proud of Daddy and I though - we reacted quick and with a calming reassurance to get her to settle down (and anyone that knows me, knows this is not an easy feat...Jay is the calm one, I'm the spaz when it comes to anything that hurts or upsets her). But, I quickly got her in tub, in jammies and snuggling with Mommy and Bear Bear. Jay washed the couch.... go Daddy! (hehehe)
That's all for now! I'll be sure to post pictures and a recap from our Disney On Ice adventure tonight!
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
New Year's Resolution

Happy New Year!!! I can't believe the holidays have come and gone already!! Clearly it's been 'forever' since my last post...but instead of dragging out the past couple months over several paragraphs, I'm going to do a quick recap of the end of 2011 and let it be. I'm starting 2012 off with the resolution to really committ to this blog. Of course, I love the Evelyn blog becuase it's keep my whole 5-10 readers updated on Evelyn - but more for what I started it for - a book of sorts for her when she is older. A look back on what life was like when she was our little pumpkin and so she can see just how much Mommy & Daddy and everyone loves her!
End of 2011 - the recap
- Dance - Ok so my last post we were getting ready for fall and Evelyn was starting dance class. Well, we have given up on dance for the time being. Ev showed little interest in the class after the first 1 or 2. She would cry and just want to be held for the majority of the 45 minutes we were there. Jay and I decided instead of paying for that, she could stay home on Saturday mornings and cry and be held for free! Case Closed. We'll try again next year!
- Great Grams - Sadly, on November 11, 2011 we lost Evelyn's Great Grandmother - Dorothy Karcher (my Dad's mom). Grams absolutley adored Evelyn just as she did all her great grandchildren. It was a difficult time, but we are moving forward knowing Grams is in a better place now looking down on Evelyn and all of us with Grandpa.
- Thanksgiving - As usual, Turkey Day was a busy one for our little trio. We had dinner at my parents' and Jay's parents house. Evelyn did great and tried a few things here and there. She is such a finnicky eater...but if I had to guess her favorite foods at this point I would say - tomatoes, mac & cheese, bologna sandwiches and of course any cookie that you put in front of her.
- Christmas - Hands down - the best. Better every year since she came into our lives....already can't wait till next year! We were def Team Santa this year with Evelyn smiling, no tears when she met the big man! She was excited on Christmas morning when we woke up at Nana's to see that Santa had come... more excited to see that Santa also stopped at Mommy/Daddy's house to drop off presents...and couldn't believe he came to Grandma's house too! She is for sure on Team Santa now!
- New Year's - Evelyn partied the night away.... LOL. She is only 2...but we did let her stay up until 10...which she didn't seem to mind or know for that matter! Although it has no effect on the time she'll wake up. I got the 'Oh Mama, I Up!' call right on schedule around 7:30 on New Year's Day!
- Overall - I can't begin to talk about how smart she is...and I'm not trying to be the bragging Mom (although I have every right). We have gotten compliments from her daycare providers and even her doctor at how advanced she is with her speech and other developmental skills. Jay and I are floored sometimes by the things that come out of her mouth and just how sharp/witty our little girl is. Jay couldn't be more wrapped around her little finger. Bear Bear is still with us....and even has plenty of new friends in 'da crib' since baby mickey, pluto, donald, minney and goofy have joined us! She still loves her Mickey Mouse....trying to get her into more Disney movies to some success. We are still working on potty training....nothing great to report on that, but my goal is to have her fully trained by the time she is 3 so i have a little over 5 months to go!
Ok, like I said...short and sweet! So many things to look forward to in 2012!! We'll celebrate a full year in our new Locust Street house.... Evelyn will turn 3 while Mommy will celebrate her 29th birthday for the 2nd time (wink) and Jay and I will have the fun task of starting to look into possible pre-schools for Evelyn!! (OMG>>>school?? where did the time go!!!)
Happy New Year Everyone!
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