So...we are getting ready to spend a week up at Long Beach, Canada at Ev's Great Grandpa's Cottage. Heading up with the family and some friends! Little Miss Evelyn is such a diva, I swear!She insists on bringing every outfit she owns b/c she just HAS to have several wardrobe changes to ensure she is the center of 'ohhing' and 'awwing' all week!
It's so hard to pack for the little bebe!! We need onesies - both short and long sleeve, socks in case the feeties get cold, pants incase her tiny little legs get cold, jammies and of course her little bathing suit (Used to be her cousin Brianna's, which oddly enough I bought for Bri-Bri when she was just a little pumpkin herself). Then we need hats, sunscreen, a tent, her boppy, play mats, bouncers, bottles, formula, liners and of course she demanded that Mommy bring her laptop so we can watch the Golden Girls and Finding Nemo while we are there....I tell ya, I would put my foot down, but she's just too cute to say no too..... lol :) Besides I'd rather be over packed, then not have something she may need and/or want! And, let us not forget the approx 200 diapers that are comin with us....just in case!
Pics from the beach to come when we get back!! My baby is taking her first international trip!!
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