Well, the pumpkin is 5 months old! We can’t believe how fast it’s going or how much sweeter our little girl gets with each passing day.
So, there is lots to update you on!! We are still a drool machine and we absolutely love to put anything and everything in our mouth…..just about have the toes in there, but she usually ends up letting go and hitting herself in the face (and at the same time surprising herself with the ‘klunk’ to the nose…lol)
Evelyn had her big “4-month check up” on Oct. 12th…a little late for ‘4-months’ but what can you do. She is a healthy 14 lbs. 14 oz (isn’t weird how every time she gets weighed the lbs and oz always match!) She is 26.25 inches long and the doctor said she seems to be just perfect…of course something her daddy and I already knew. She is in the 50th percentile for her weight, the 90th percentile for her height and the 90th percentile for her head size….so when you sum this information up…she’s tall and skinny with a big head and we just love it! She also had her 2nd series of shots and thank goodness Daddy came with us this time…after her last check up I didn’t want to do the ‘shots’ alone. She only had 2 this time and with some advice from her Aunt Karen, I gave her a small dose of Tylenol before we went to the doctor, which seemed to help her pain tolerance….help…not erase. After the first poke, it took a few seconds for the ‘oh my god, what are you doing to me’ realization to come…and when it did I glanced at Jay and I swear he was looking at this nurse like “how would like if I stuck that needle in your neck woman….” and then the second poke and the full-fledged crying, purple-faced, can’t-catch-our-breath wailing was on. Jay practically shoved the nurse out of the way so he could pick his pumpkin up and within a minute or two she was back to herself…although she had a few sympathy whimpers here and there to which Daddy made sure to give her extra kisses and make even funnier faces while we strapped her into the car seat! And we we’re off….we don’t have to go back until her 6-month check up in December…..
While we were at the doctors we got some ‘exciting’ news…Evelyn gets to start eating cereal. (Yes, this qualifies for exciting in our lives now…..lol) The doctor said we can start feeding her some of the pasty but ‘oh-so-yummy’ rice cereal, once per day and with a spoon so she can learn how to eat like a little lady….well, little lady is far from it. As you can see by her picture (more to come) most of the cereal ends up on her face, in her hands and on her shirt than it actually does in her mouth. You can tell she has no clue what she is doing, but every time I bring that spoon back up she opens wide….but then sticks her tongue out as I got to get the spoon in there. It’s quite comical, but getting better with each day. Typically we have to hose her down afterwards or if she gets particularly messy….as in she has her hands in the bowl and then she rubs them on her face….then we just go straight into the tub! After she gets the hang of the spoon and we have her on cereal for a few weeks, then we are OK to start giving her fruits and veggies. It’s so weird because while I cannot wait to start giving her these new foods and see her reaction to the new smells and tastes, it’s kind of sad because it just another reminder of how fast she is growing up on us!!!
There still aren’t any teeth poking through her gums yet, but she sure has to be close…that or she has a hole in her lip where endless amounts of drool end up on her, mommy, daddy, the remote, cell phones and poppa’s Ipod…lol …I just hope she handles the teething process with ease…but either way, we’ll be ready for it.
We are soooo looking forward to Halloween. We recently went and her Halloween pictures taken at Olan Mills. She is such the cutie in her little kitty-cat costume (see a pre-photo shoot pic in the column on the right) During her photo session Jay and I joined her for a few family photos as well….unfortunately I could not convince Jay that we should wear kitty ears ourselves to match the pumpkin…o’well, there’s always Christmas Jay….I mean, Santa Claus…..
She hasn’t been doing to much rolling over…either way…but tummy time is getting much better. Her tolerance for being on her stomach grows with each day…about 3 seconds longer then the day before…but I still wouldn’t say she is a fan of it!
She is quite the chatty Kathy and likes to tell us stories when we pick her up from daycare…when were home…before bed…while in bed and when she wakes us up at 4 a.m. with ‘oohh..…ahhhs……and grrrssss…” ---- riveting tales, I tell you…or at least she tells us!!!
So, there is lots to update you on!! We are still a drool machine and we absolutely love to put anything and everything in our mouth…..just about have the toes in there, but she usually ends up letting go and hitting herself in the face (and at the same time surprising herself with the ‘klunk’ to the nose…lol)
Evelyn had her big “4-month check up” on Oct. 12th…a little late for ‘4-months’ but what can you do. She is a healthy 14 lbs. 14 oz (isn’t weird how every time she gets weighed the lbs and oz always match!) She is 26.25 inches long and the doctor said she seems to be just perfect…of course something her daddy and I already knew. She is in the 50th percentile for her weight, the 90th percentile for her height and the 90th percentile for her head size….so when you sum this information up…she’s tall and skinny with a big head and we just love it! She also had her 2nd series of shots and thank goodness Daddy came with us this time…after her last check up I didn’t want to do the ‘shots’ alone. She only had 2 this time and with some advice from her Aunt Karen, I gave her a small dose of Tylenol before we went to the doctor, which seemed to help her pain tolerance….help…not erase. After the first poke, it took a few seconds for the ‘oh my god, what are you doing to me’ realization to come…and when it did I glanced at Jay and I swear he was looking at this nurse like “how would like if I stuck that needle in your neck woman….” and then the second poke and the full-fledged crying, purple-faced, can’t-catch-our-breath wailing was on. Jay practically shoved the nurse out of the way so he could pick his pumpkin up and within a minute or two she was back to herself…although she had a few sympathy whimpers here and there to which Daddy made sure to give her extra kisses and make even funnier faces while we strapped her into the car seat! And we we’re off….we don’t have to go back until her 6-month check up in December…..
While we were at the doctors we got some ‘exciting’ news…Evelyn gets to start eating cereal. (Yes, this qualifies for exciting in our lives now…..lol) The doctor said we can start feeding her some of the pasty but ‘oh-so-yummy’ rice cereal, once per day and with a spoon so she can learn how to eat like a little lady….well, little lady is far from it. As you can see by her picture (more to come) most of the cereal ends up on her face, in her hands and on her shirt than it actually does in her mouth. You can tell she has no clue what she is doing, but every time I bring that spoon back up she opens wide….but then sticks her tongue out as I got to get the spoon in there. It’s quite comical, but getting better with each day. Typically we have to hose her down afterwards or if she gets particularly messy….as in she has her hands in the bowl and then she rubs them on her face….then we just go straight into the tub! After she gets the hang of the spoon and we have her on cereal for a few weeks, then we are OK to start giving her fruits and veggies. It’s so weird because while I cannot wait to start giving her these new foods and see her reaction to the new smells and tastes, it’s kind of sad because it just another reminder of how fast she is growing up on us!!!
There still aren’t any teeth poking through her gums yet, but she sure has to be close…that or she has a hole in her lip where endless amounts of drool end up on her, mommy, daddy, the remote, cell phones and poppa’s Ipod…lol …I just hope she handles the teething process with ease…but either way, we’ll be ready for it.
We are soooo looking forward to Halloween. We recently went and her Halloween pictures taken at Olan Mills. She is such the cutie in her little kitty-cat costume (see a pre-photo shoot pic in the column on the right) During her photo session Jay and I joined her for a few family photos as well….unfortunately I could not convince Jay that we should wear kitty ears ourselves to match the pumpkin…o’well, there’s always Christmas Jay….I mean, Santa Claus…..
She hasn’t been doing to much rolling over…either way…but tummy time is getting much better. Her tolerance for being on her stomach grows with each day…about 3 seconds longer then the day before…but I still wouldn’t say she is a fan of it!
She is quite the chatty Kathy and likes to tell us stories when we pick her up from daycare…when were home…before bed…while in bed and when she wakes us up at 4 a.m. with ‘oohh..…ahhhs……and grrrssss…” ---- riveting tales, I tell you…or at least she tells us!!!
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