The holidays are right around the corner and we are so excited for all of Evelyn’s ‘firsts’ that will be coming over the next weeks.
Surprisingly on the ball, Jay and I have already taken the pumpkin for her Christmas photos and let me tell you…my pumpkin could give any model a run for their money. She is so smiley, so happy and just works that camera….my little ham.
Thanks to my mama for getting Evelyn such a beautiful holiday dress and to Jay’s mama for turning the pumpkin into Santa’s Little Helper!!
We order wallet sized photos of a couple different poses so we are going to throw them into a hat and as we make out our Christmas cards this year, we’ll randomly pull different photos/poses to go in our family and friends cards. (If you want to view all the photos we had taken, email me at kipkarch224@yahoo.com and I'll forward you the link...I can't cut and paste it into the blog b/c it doesn't work after a certain period of time......I tried.....)
On the food front…we have conquered all the veggies and as her proud parents, we are very happy to report that Miss Evelyn is a fan of all things veggies. She has taken a liking to all the offerings, but Jay and I still can’t bring ourselves to give them a try…why…I don’t know...they are only mashed up veggies…but still...it’s just plain weird…lol! So now we are onto fruit…so far, Evelyn has had pears and peaches, both of which she is happy to suck up. Looks like we are moving along at a good pace! Not sure when I'm supposed to introduce the meats…but I'm sure it will be soon as the little pumpkin will be turning the big 6 months this Friday, Nov. 20th! How fast it’s gone…only 6 more months and our little baby will be on her way to becoming a little lady with her 1st birthday!!! Maybe in honor of Thanksgiving…Evelyn’s first meats will be some ground up turkey mixed in with some sweet potatoes…and if were lucky…the myths about turkey and sleep will prove true for the pumpkin after dinner on Thanksgiving night!
Pretty soon we’ll be taking Evelyn to meet the man in the big red suit!! Hopefully, she keeps her cool considering she’s his little helper after all!
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