Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve started off at Evelyn's Nana and Poppa's house (aka - Jay's parents) where we had a great family feast complete with Evelyn's Aunt Jennifer (who's going to be a new mom herself in 2010!!! yay...I say boy.....lol) and Uncle Larry (of course Nana, Poppa, Mommy and Daddy were there too....and let us not forget Cocoa Bean...) While us adults dined on homemade pierogies, ham, etc...we gave the pumpkin little pieces of homemade mac-n-cheese to try along with some canned green beans (up until now Evelyn has pretty much only had the canned mushed stuff)...well, the pumpkin gave it her best effort, but unfortunately after dinner was over and while we all thought she did good with her first table finger foods...when we unhooked her tray we found most of it had fallen into her lap! O'well, practice makes perfect...cheerios here we come!
After dinner we all kind of lounged around and Evelyn and I even took a quick nap together upstairs by the Christmas tree. (it's our little snuggle naps that truly make me tear up b/c I just cherish them so much...she's so precious when she sleeps and snuggles into me....I just love it!) So, when we woke up, we were a little rushed b/c we were running late for our trip over to Grandma and Grandpa's (aka my parents) for their Christmas Eve get-together...plus Evelyn had a play-date with her cousins, Bri-Brin and AJ (who was also celebrating his 1st xmas). So with a quick change into her "special Xmas jammies and Santa's hat we were off!
When we got to Grandma's much to everyone's surprise...'oh my, Evelyn and AJ are wearing the
same pj's...they're twins...how cute, how precious...." o'yeah...just the reaction my sister and I were looking for when we planned this out a week ago! LOL :) All the kiddies looked so comfy and cute in their pj's....and little Brianna was just SO excited for presents!!! "Presents for ME!!!!!!" We had a nice time hanging out with the family! Evelyn and AJ spent a lot of time playing on the floor...drooling all over the place...eating and sucking anything they could get their chubby little hands on! At one point, AJ had enough of sucking on his own foot, that he found Evelyn's and thought 'why not!' LOL...they are just too cute!!

Around Evelyn's bedtime it was time to head back to Nana and Papa's b/c that's where we were spending the night. The pumpkin was pretty beat by the time we got there, so after kisses and good-nights from the family it was off to dreamland for our little girl........
Christmas Day
Christmas Day started off a little earlier then I was hoping....'bout 7-7:30 a.m. Evelyn was up and at em'....and hungry! Luckily, I was able to convince Daddy it was 'his turn' so Mommy got to
enjoy a few more hours sleep! (A few years down the line and this won't be the case as she's jumping on the bed yelling at us to get up!!) When we all did make our way to the living room, we got some presents in-front of Evelyn and she tore into them like a 5-year old.....ummm.....yeah, right...more like she picked one up and sucked on the corner until the paper was no longer there!! It was too precious. She was all excited though and in good spirits...probably because we were all smiling like fools just watching her eat paper (who knew it could be so entertaining!) Evelyn's first round of gifts included toys that light up and make sounds -- much to her pleasure...and required assembly -- much to daddy's displeasure! She got clothes and even her big girl car seat! After we finished opening up gifts at Nana and Poppa's we relaxed and just enjoyed the rest of the morning/afternoon.

Around 1 or so we headed home where much to Evelyn's surprise...Santa had also stopped there!! But since we had to head to my parents house, the presents had to wait! We quickly unpacked all of Evelyn's 'carry-on' only to re-pack it to head to my moms. Once we got ourselves ready we were back and the sleigh and off to grandma's house!!
Once we arrived, we found out Evelyn's cousin, Brianna, who was so excited for 'presents for me!!!'...well, it wasn't the crazy about presents for her and the tear-open crazy-fest we thought it
might be at the Price household that morning didn't happen....No, Bri-Bri would open 5 presents or so then get bored...want to play with her gifts as she opened....wanted to play with her brothers gifts too...needless to say when my sister arrived at my parents, they too still had presents at home that had to be opened! The point of me telling you this...well, usually at my parents house we have dinner first, then open gifts. Well, we thought it best if we went ahead and started opening up some stuff while the final preparations were being made for our yummy prime rib dinner (nice job Dad!). Of course we had to take some pics of the kids in-front of the tree with all the presents!! Mom went way over-board as she always does!!!

So, we opened some gifts....had dinner...then back to gifts...and well, that was enough for pumpkin....next thing I know she passed out in the chair with daddy! too cute :)

I can't believe how much stuff she has!! (and where am i going to put all of it!!)
Believe it or not...we weren't done yet Remember, we still had to have our own Christmas with pumpkin at our house! But, by the time we got home on Christmas night, Evelyn was done like dinner...so it was off to bed with gifts still wrapped under the tree just waiting for her!
The Day After
The next morning, Jay had to work so I had my own little Christmas with Evelyn that morning (Jay didn't mind...the thought of sitting through pumpkin eating her way through the paper was

So pumpkin and I had our day-after-Christmas morning present-fest and much to her delight...more paper and more bows to suck on and eat were at her finger-tips! We spent the rest of the day going through her now mountain of new toys..making sure to hold everyone...put it in the mouth..then as always, look for mommy's cell phone b/c that is her favorite "toy" to drool all over!
Later on that evening, it was off to Jay's Grandpa's house so Evelyn could see her great grandparents and enjoy a holiday dinner with them! Ok, well we enjoyed dinner...pumpkin enjoyed the few pieces of grape that would make their way into her mouth. (that 'sour' face is priceless!...maybe a little mean....but priceless!) Evelyn got even more clothes which means her wardrobe now exceeds mine...actually i think that happened the day she was born and a flood of pink came into our home...lol.
Finally, Sunday rolls around...a day of rest...ha! yeah, right! Sunday was Christmas with Jay's
oldest sister, Karen and her family (Hubby Luca, Luca Jr. Lina and Lilianna) along with our nephews Brandon and Cammy (Jay's brother Jeremy's children). Ages in the household ranged from pre-teen to pre-crawl and what a crazy madhouse it was!! Yelling, laughing, playing!! Then came present time....all the kids got their presents lined up in-front of them and it was like ready, set, go and paper went flying!!! As you can see by the picture...even with gifts right in front of her, pumpkin would still rather eat Mommy's cell phone!! lol. It was a great day with family! We had so much fun and Evelyn looked absolutely adorable in her little Bills Cheerleader outfit (although it didn't help them..they lost that day!)
Finally, Sunday rolls around...a day of rest...ha! yeah, right! Sunday was Christmas with Jay's

Overall, it was a great first Christmas for Evelyn and for Jay and I with our pumpkin!! We can't thank everyone enough for making it so special! We are very much looking forward to the New Year as Evelyn will celebrate her 1st birthday!! It's unreal that she will be one-whole year in just 5 short months!!! Where did the time go! We are blessed to have such great family and friends and to have our healthy, happy pumpkin in our life!
Happy New Year everyone!!!