Well pumpkin had her 6-month check up on December 11th and boy was it a 'big' event. First off, we noticed she was a little under-the-weather a day or two before we went to the docs...sniffles, cough and down-right not a happy pumpkin-head. Needless to say I was glad we were going to the doctors.
So we arrived at the office and went through the routine questions with the nurse...is she eating? 'yes,' does she move objects from one hand to the other? 'yes,' does she know her name...'ummm...depends...you mean Pumpkin or Evelyn?' lol! How about is she generally a content, happy baby? Of course when I got into my huge proud mommy ramble of how happy our little girl is, how she is always smiling and giggling....of course, she starts balling her eyes out right there in front of the doctor! Great....
The doctor did her routine exam and I'm proud to report Evelyn weighs
16lbs 14 oz (gain of almost 2lbs since the last visit) and she measured in at 28.15 inches (gain of almost 2 inches!) She continues to be in the 50th percentile for her weight, the 90th percentile for her head size (lol) and she has moved up into the 95th percentile for her height....our baby is going to be tall!!!
She checked her reflexes (whatever she really has right now...lol) and listened to her breathing which the doctor noted the congestion due to her cold and looked in her ears and reported noticing fluid building up behind them. Ok, scare mom why don't you...what the h*ll does that mean?? (immediately I'm thinking like water in the ear from her bath...aka I did this to her...that's what your trying to say isn't Mrs. doctor smarter pants...) Well, before my blood pressure and nervousness broke me into a pure panic, the doctor explained that the fluid behind the ears is normal when a baby has a cold (as it is with all people) but we just had to keep an eye out to make sure it didn't lead to an infection....(ok, back to panic mode.) Honestly, why couldn't they just have given us the antibiotics right then and been proactive about the whole thing instead of telling me to wait and see if she gets sicker...let her get some infection which will only put her in pain and make her miserable?! I just don't understand, but I didn't go to med school, so I guess I'm not the expert on this one. But the doctor assured me it would more than likely clear up and drain on its own with her current cold....so OK, I guess.
Well, then it was more "good" news...Evelyn was due for more shots! This time 5!! Yes! Five whole shots my little pumpkin took in one beating. She had her 3 routine shots and in addition the regular flu shot and H1N1 shot, which Jay and I agreed we should get for her since she is in daycare 5 days of the week with a ton of kids who are in school all day where many germs are spread...can't take any chances! So, needless to say, Evelyn was less then thrilled about these 5 shots...in fact, because she was sick, she was an even more sad mess with all her little beat red, snotty face just crying out for help. Afterwards, her little chunky thighs looked like they had to been to hell and back with all the band-aids. My poor baby. I felt awful. Unfortunately, work still called and after the doctors I dropped her off with Miss Kathy at daycare and it turned out Evelyn slept the entire day, only waking once to eat around noon!!
It was later that evening I noticed myself coming down with something so I declared the weekend a mommy-daughter sniffle snuggle fest and after I got home from work on Friday I locked the doors and the pumpkin and I stayed in all weekend just hanging out with our runny noses, cuddling during movies and even getting in a little play time when we both had a little energy to muster!
We are on are way to a full-recover and each day the pumpkin, not to mention myself, are feeling that much better. She turns the big 7 months on Sunday, 12-20-09!!! And we CANNOT wait until Christmas. My daughter is a pure-pro when it comes to posing with Santa as you can see below!

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