Wednesday, February 3, 2010

MAJOR updates...

So...last I told you Evelyn could make her way from room to room with her little walker. Well, this past Sunday, our little pumpkin started CRAWLING!!!! It was literally out of no-where! I set her on her little mat to play with toys, walked away (because you can still can when they are stationary) got the towels from the dryer and walked back into the living room and OH MY GOD...she was at least 4..maybe 4.5 feet from her starting point! So, of course I was like "how did you get here?!" Dropping the towels, I backed her up and put an 'object' in her path...(OK the object was a water bottle..but hey, that's one of her favorite things to chew on! only the best for our pumpkin!!)..So Evelyn then rolled on over to her tummy and next thing I knew she was dragging herself to it!!! I know 'dragging' may not be the same as 'crawling' but still she was making ground!! And by ground, I mean if I put her at one end of the living room she can make it to the other side! So, that is crawling in my book!! So crazy! I 'yelled' for Jay and at the same time broke out in tears! Who knew crawling would bring me to tears!!! I was so excited for this next step but at the same time so sad because its just another reminder that she is growing up and getting bigger. And now, we are facing the crazy task of dealing with a child on the move. First thing, it's time for a baby gate. Second thing...she never wants to be held anymore! Heartbreaking I tell you!!!! Daddy's first thought of Evelyn on the move: "She's going to be in a lot of sh*t!" LOL...and he wasn't kidding. A day or two later, Evelyn was in the living playing away and I went into the next room to grab some paperwork (I was doing some filing) and I come back in and she was eating marriage certificate!!! LOL! You can't leave them for even one second now!!!
But it gets better!!!!
So tonight, dealing with Evelyn being on the move, was time for a bath. While I get her bath ready I sit her in the crib with some toys to occupy her while I'm doing this. So I fill the tub and set up the 'bath stuff.' I walked back into the nursery and guess who is STANDING in her crib!! I almost died!! First off, I was a little scared because I had "those thoughts" run through my head..aka "what if she fell over when I was filling the tub?!?" But then the fear turned to excitement and I called for Jay. He comes running up (probably thinking something was wrong) and he turns the corner and it took him back for a minute! "Pumpkin, what you doing?!?" he asked her!! Then we thought, OK...get the camcorder...but lets try to get her on video from sitting to the standing position. Knowing she might not do this while we were standing in front of her with a camera, we sat her down and walked out of the room to hide with the video recorder. Well, yeah, that didn't' go so well....we walk out of the room and Evelyn breaks into a sobbing fit! "Where are you going mommy and daddy!" We waited a minute to see if she would do anything...each of us peaking around the corner...but to no avail...pumpkin just wanted her mommy and daddy. So ,while we know she can do it, we have yet to show you any proof. But one thing is for sure...the crib mattress is getting lowered TOMORROW!!! Pumpkin - We love you so much, but please! slow down already!!!
Mommy and Daddy!!!!

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