We’ve been busy little bees over the Tylec household! The pumpkin keeps us on our toes with her ever increased mobility. She’s not walking yet, but boy is she a fast crawler and she just loves to pull herself up (on anything) and stand tall. Since we have glass top tables throughout the living room, this has caused me to think I should buy some stock in Windex as it seems I’m wiping away little hand prints marks left and right!
Evelyn has about 7 teeth now! 3 on the bottom and 4 on the top! Two of them are not all the way through yet so we are dealing with LOTS and LOTS of drool….always fun.
She’s been fighting colds an awful lot too these past couple weeks. Snotty nose, itchy eyes and all that good stuff. We chalk it to the fact that she is in daycare and constantly around other germ-filled children as well as the changing of the seasons. Who knows. Evelyn might have a touch of seasonal allergies like her Mommy.
Her “vocabulary” is also expanding…while it might not be exactly English she is starting to make more sounds and possibly even understand what we are saying to her! Although…she doesn’t seem to like that word ‘no’….whenever I say it, she usually follows with a sweet little smile like she’s some innocent angel….I’m on to you pumpkin!
We did have a ‘big’ milestone over the past couple weeks. Evelyn celebrated her first Easter, but
even more ‘big’…she got her ears pierced! Jay and I took her to the Boulevard Mall to meet the Easter Bunny (who by the way…was HUGE…lol). Pumpkin was not all smiles like she was with Santa…in fact after about 45 seconds on his lap, the cry-face started to surface so we had to choose from the photos that were taken. You can tell her ‘awareness’ is increasing with each day as she is more hesitant around people she doesn’t know, but yet loves to snuggle with her Mommy and Daddy!
So we got the pictures done and then did some shopping in the mall. Evelyn is just so good…she such a Nosy Rosy that she just loves being out and about seeing all the lights, people and stuff!
Well, at the end of our shopping trip we made one final stop – Clarie’s Boutique…the piercing mecca for all Mommy’s of little girls. Jay and I looked over their starter earrings and decided to go with little ‘diamond’ ones (CZ…whatever…she’ll get diamonds soon enough the way she’s got Daddy wrapped around her finger!). So, Jay was the brave one who held her during the ‘event.’ Yes, it was an event…as soon as passer-byers realize what is about to happen they must just stop and gawk…not to mention give the Mommy’s and Daddy’s the evil eye. LOL. Jay was also the holder b/c like any Momma, I just had to get this one video ca
mera. So, they dotted where the earrings would be placed and it was time. Evelyn quenched her head down a little with the first prick and then it was over….screams of mass hysteria and the ‘what are you doing to me’ look was on…Daddy tried to comfort her but there was still one more ear to be pierced! Holy cow….does my little girl have a set of lungs on her! They applied the soothing gel and Daddy scooped her up and within 5 minutes she was FINE people!! And all with these new sparkly ears. Although, we quickly hightailed it out of the mall for fear of continued looks of disapproval, snares and evil-eyes from the ‘on-lookers’…LOL. But first of course, I had to let friends and family know about this huge milestone! Remember that video…yeah, it was on my cell…sent to Nana, Poppa, Grandma, Grandpa, the Aunts, the Uncles and friends…. BAD IDEA…once again we were ‘meanies’ and Evelyn deserved ice cream, money…whatever she wanted. My father told me Christmas was over for me forever…Dear Lord people…we pierced her ears…we didn’t tattoo her!! LOL. After all was said and done, it is agreed that Evelyn…hard to imagine that its possible…looks even more beautiful with her new ears. And I just love watching her sleep on the video monitor because they sparkle when she rolls around…so cute!!
On Easter Sunday, Evelyn enjoyed a basket hunt at my parents house where the Easter Bunny left her some Pajama’s along with the cutest little girl baseball caps and of course a stuffed bunny for her to ‘eat’ and drool all over. Then we were off to Nana and Poppa’s where we had our Easter dinner, during which Evelyn was nice enough to nap so we could all enjoy! Much to her surprise, the Easter Bunny stopped by again and this time set up an egg hunt for her in the living room!!! Eggs filled with puffs, yogurt melts and cookies were ‘as far as the eye could’…well at least for the pumpkin I’m sure that statement is true! She also got more jammies, a cute summer outfit and more toys!! It was a really nice day as a family for her first Easter J (ps…just so we can remember years down the line…Daddy enjoyed his own Easter hunt too with cans of Bud Light hidden throughout the living room…lol!)
The weather is getting nicer and I’ve been enjoying taking Evelyn on walks after work! She just loves going outside and being nosy! We are very much looking forward to the coming summer months to spend time with her and see all her new developments. We are also VERY excited for the arrival of Evelyn’s cousin, Austin who should be here on or around June 17th!!!
Much planning and preparing is in the forefront though as Evelyn’s first birthday (May 20th) and first birthday party (May 29th) are just a little over a month away!! Where did the time go!!!
Evelyn has about 7 teeth now! 3 on the bottom and 4 on the top! Two of them are not all the way through yet so we are dealing with LOTS and LOTS of drool….always fun.
She’s been fighting colds an awful lot too these past couple weeks. Snotty nose, itchy eyes and all that good stuff. We chalk it to the fact that she is in daycare and constantly around other germ-filled children as well as the changing of the seasons. Who knows. Evelyn might have a touch of seasonal allergies like her Mommy.
Her “vocabulary” is also expanding…while it might not be exactly English she is starting to make more sounds and possibly even understand what we are saying to her! Although…she doesn’t seem to like that word ‘no’….whenever I say it, she usually follows with a sweet little smile like she’s some innocent angel….I’m on to you pumpkin!
We did have a ‘big’ milestone over the past couple weeks. Evelyn celebrated her first Easter, but

So we got the pictures done and then did some shopping in the mall. Evelyn is just so good…she such a Nosy Rosy that she just loves being out and about seeing all the lights, people and stuff!
Well, at the end of our shopping trip we made one final stop – Clarie’s Boutique…the piercing mecca for all Mommy’s of little girls. Jay and I looked over their starter earrings and decided to go with little ‘diamond’ ones (CZ…whatever…she’ll get diamonds soon enough the way she’s got Daddy wrapped around her finger!). So, Jay was the brave one who held her during the ‘event.’ Yes, it was an event…as soon as passer-byers realize what is about to happen they must just stop and gawk…not to mention give the Mommy’s and Daddy’s the evil eye. LOL. Jay was also the holder b/c like any Momma, I just had to get this one video ca

On Easter Sunday, Evelyn enjoyed a basket hunt at my parents house where the Easter Bunny left her some Pajama’s along with the cutest little girl baseball caps and of course a stuffed bunny for her to ‘eat’ and drool all over. Then we were off to Nana and Poppa’s where we had our Easter dinner, during which Evelyn was nice enough to nap so we could all enjoy! Much to her surprise, the Easter Bunny stopped by again and this time set up an egg hunt for her in the living room!!! Eggs filled with puffs, yogurt melts and cookies were ‘as far as the eye could’…well at least for the pumpkin I’m sure that statement is true! She also got more jammies, a cute summer outfit and more toys!! It was a really nice day as a family for her first Easter J (ps…just so we can remember years down the line…Daddy enjoyed his own Easter hunt too with cans of Bud Light hidden throughout the living room…lol!)
The weather is getting nicer and I’ve been enjoying taking Evelyn on walks after work! She just loves going outside and being nosy! We are very much looking forward to the coming summer months to spend time with her and see all her new developments. We are also VERY excited for the arrival of Evelyn’s cousin, Austin who should be here on or around June 17th!!!
Much planning and preparing is in the forefront though as Evelyn’s first birthday (May 20th) and first birthday party (May 29th) are just a little over a month away!! Where did the time go!!!

No I was not a fan of the ear piercing... I got this video of poor pumpkin screaming! What's a nana supposed to think??
ReplyDeletePumpkin spent Dyngus Day with Nana and Papa and we had sooo much fun! Played all morning with new little people toys, went to lunch with Aunt Jen then stopped back at Nana's work to meet everyone. Fell asleep on the way home and Nana was scared to get her out of the car seat for fear of waking her! She was so pooped out from her adventure she didn't even budge when I picked her up and put her in bed. Slept 2 1/2 hours!!!