We haven't been to the Doctor since her 2nd birthday (knock on wood). But using our home scale, Evelyn is weighing in around 28lbs these days! She is developing just wonderfully! Loves to run, jump in puddles, chase the cats around the house (much to their pleasure I'm sure!)
Her vocabulary is truly taking off as well! We communicate so much better these days -- making things much easier for Jay and I! She can count from 1 to 10 - sometimes not in order, but hey, we are getting there. She somewhat knows her ABC's, but prefers Mommy to sing with her (look out American Idol). She knows several animal sounds and likes to read with Mommy - that is after we watch a million Mickey Mouse Clubhouse episodes!!! Truly her favorite show -- our DVR is FULL of Mickey!!
Evelyn also had her first boat ride this summer thanks to Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Jamie!! She just loves going in and out of the cuddy cabin - just not when we are going fast!! Then it's 'hang on' pumpkin and she grabs whatever she can! Oh...and let's not forget that Bear Bear joins us on the boat too!! This past weekend - Labor Day - we took off to Honeoye Lake for teh weekend with the pumpkin and Jeremy/Jamie. We rented a lake house right on the lake and brought Jeremy's boat with us for the weekend!! It was absolutely beautiful there!! The lake is only about 6 miles wide which made for nice boating. It's surrounded by 'mountains' of trees which I can only imagine how gorgeous it must be during the fall months when the leaves start changing color! We spent our afternoons hanging out on the boat, went swimming in the lake (Evelyn too! no fear!) and even tried water skiing, wake-boarding and tubing. Needless to say the men were much better then us ladies...but at least we tried! (before he points it out...i only tried water skiing...but its something!) Evelyn even took a nap in the cuddy cabin...while we were moving!! That fresh air still does a number on our pumpkin!!
The air is starting to get crisp and the leaves are starting to change...aka...its my favorite time of the year!! Football, chowder, Halloween!!! I can't wait to take Evelyn back to the Pumpkin Farm this year!! Here's to hoping she is over her fear of pumpkins!
Most exciting news for fall -- Evelyn is signed up for Dance Class!! Her first Tiny Tots Dance Class is Sept 17th and we are so excited to take her for her leotard, tights and ballet slippers!! She is going to look so precious!! I'll post pictures!!
Happy Fall Ya'll!
Mommy, Pumpkin & Bear Bear Boating!! Summer 2011

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