Thursday, August 27, 2009

Best Beach Baby EVER!

So....the beach was AWESOME to say the least. Evelyn could not have been a more perfect baby for our week up at the cottage in Long Beach. Joining us, were Ev’s Nana and Poppa, Aunt Jenn and Uncle Larry and a handful of other family friends who headed north of the border to enjoy some fun in the sun!
As the previous posts states, packing was no easy feat….we brought everything but the kitchen sink and it proved to be worth it b/c the little pumpkin was never in need of anything!
To protect our little babes from the harmful UV rays, Jay and I got the cutest little sun dome! It was her own personal cabana on the beach complete with her little vibrating bouncy seat and additional sun-blocking umbrella…only thing she needed was a rum runner and cabana boy….whoa...wait a minute there…that’s what Mommy needed…not my 3-month old pumpkin…she’s becoming a nun as far as her parents are concerned.
Each morning we woke up between 4 and 6 a.m. for our very tasty formula breakfast…while we were there for the week…the little pumpkin let us know it was time to up the feedings a notch so she moved up to 6 oz. per bottle during her little vacation (maybe she figured since everyone else seemed to be drinking in excess, she would too…lol). After breakfast we usually spent the next hour or so looking around…trying to remember where we were…focusing in on all the surrounding (this seemed to happen for Daddy every morning as well…LOL). As the morning hours passed on…Ev would get a sleepy again so it was usually time for the mid-morning nap around 10 or so....perfect timing for the rest of crowd to get their breakfast in!
After breakfast it was time to head down to the beach. Of course a lot more preparation goes into bringing a baby into an area filled with sand….much more then just throw your towel down and crack your beer! Before getting into her swimsuit Evelyn would have the much ‘enjoyed’ pleasure of getting lathered and greased up with Water Babies Sunscreen….a process which I have to say she wasn’t the biggest fan of…not b/c of the oiliness on her…but because Momma chose convenience over comfort and got the ‘scary’ aerosol spray kind….not a fan to say the least. By the end of the week, I was spraying it into my hands and then lathering her up! While Mommy and Evey were getting ready, usually Daddy would set up our spot out on the beach….starting the Cabana in the shade of a nearby tree….which we would move hourly with the sun! Then we would make sure Mommy had a towel for her and one for Ev…extra sunscreen for her and extra for Ev…a book for her and binkie for Ev…a hat to protect her little pumpkin head (Ev’s not mommy’s)…rattles and toys in case of emergency entertainment needs (Ev…not Mommy…maybe Daddy)
Now, it would only take maybe 30 minutes (if that) each day of fresh air that would knock the pumpkin out! It was both awesome and sad at the same time. Awesome b/c we got to enjoy the beach too and do ‘adult’ stuff…but sad b/c this was our time to hang with our pumpkin during the day when normally we’d be at work and her at daycare and she…not by choice, I’m sure…and we know…(whine, whine, whine)..slept pretty much the afternoons away!
After the first day I was convince there was no way she was going to sleep through the night after full day of ZZzzzzz’s, but sure enough…bedtime of 8-9 p.m. (we were on vaca...she got to stay up later sometimes!)…anyway, bedtime came and down she went without a whine or peep and back to dreamland it was! So precious and perfect…Daddy and I will have to remember this when your 16 and driving us nuts!
We hit a very important milestone in Evelyn’s life while we were on vacation too! She rolled over!!! Now, there’s a little discrepancy if she actually ‘rolled over’ because I was on the other side of the bed, and may have inadvertently helped her go from back to belly, but whatever… far as I’m concerned she did it! (twice too!!)
During the times that Evelyn was awake…she was an absolute joy. Smiling, laughing and discovering this whole new world around her! Everyone took turns making her laugh and giggle…although none as much as Poppa…we’ve decided she must be laughing AT him….LOL, just kidding Poppa!
The weather was picture perfect all week. We had a great time as a family! The vacation was made complete by a thunder and lightening storm our last night there...right on the water...lights flickering...loud thunderous boom's that shook the cottage slightly...Ev was so intrigued (not scared at all!) I let her stay up a little bit longer that night... well everyone else was, and probably because I knew my full nights and days with my baby were coming to an end….
Friday morning came and we packed up the car and headed back to the states (makes it sound like we’re coming from so far away). When we got home, Evelyn recognized her room as soon as we walked in…the colors, the ‘baby’ smells, the stickers of animals on the walls...and smiles and coo’s ensued…followed by (of course) a nap!
What a great vacation it was! Can’t wait for our next one…6 weeks from now...a "Staycation" at the casa with the pumpkin!!!

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