Let me tell you...do we Tylecs/Karchers know how to throw a party!! We couldn't have asked for a better day for Evelyn's 1st Birthday Party. Everything from start to finish was flawless and just utterly perfect -- exactly what our little princess deserved. Too bad she'll never remember it, right?! Ha! The day started off bright and early for us as I dropped her royal highness off at my parents so I could head out for Operation Decoration. Jay was off to the store to get the essentials for any Tylec party - beer and ice! I was off to Party City to pick up my fleet of balloons, which let me tell you -- even though I traded my mom her SUV for my car for the morning...it was no easy feat getting 40 helium filled balloons into that thing! After Party City, I headed off to Mayor's Park where Operation Decoration officially commenced. It began great...I opened the door to my Mom's car and out flies a bunch of balloons....awesome. Oh well, no time to fret over lost balloons. So I made due with what was left...a sea of pink balloons mixed in with some green. We also had table cloths, little 1st b-day party decorations and all that good stuff. In the end, the pavilion looked quite cute with little Miss Evelyn's highchair decorated at the 'front of the class."
When Pumpkin first arrived it was Daddy's perfect opportunity to take her in the big bounce house before everyone else showed up...yeah...not so much of a good idea! LOL. Pumpkin was not a fan and pretty much started

bawling her pretty little eyes out. Hahaha...I'm sure this feeling for bounce houses won't last many more years. At 12:30 p.m. the party was 'officially' on and slowly but surely family and friends started making their way into the park. Our little angel was of course the center of attention and everyone 'oohed' and 'awwed' and how cute she looked in her little birthday dress with her flower headband on. We couldn't have asked for better weather. It was mid-70s, sunny but not hot...had a slight breeze that would come off the canal...it was truly a picture perfect day. We enjoyed pizza and wings (with mountains left over), salad, fruit and a variety of beverages :) It was great to see all our friends and family show up to show their love for our little girl. It was sweet to see all our friends coming in tow with their own pumpkins and how far we have all come over the years. The kids enjoyed the bounces houses (that's right, we had two! the smaller kiddies needed their own!) The adults enjoyed conversating as well as playing our favorite past time - cornhole. Overall, it was just a great day and afternoon and Jay and I are so grateful for all the help we received from both sides of our families.
Evelyn's cake (made by Nana of course) was a HUGE cupcake!! Bigger than her pumpkin head if you can believe it!! We all sang "Happy Birthday" to Evelyn while she looked at all of us like we were nuts! Afterwards (and with a little help) the pumpkin dove into the frosting and oh boy!! Did she like that stuff! LOl...it was so sweet...made me a little teary-eyed. I can't believe it's already been a year.
We decided not to open gifts at the party as pumpkin does not know what she is doing and we did invite a lot of people and didn't want to take time away from the kids (and adults) enjoying themselves. So after the party, a few of us gathered at the Tylecs to relax and unwind and we opened up all her gifts. As I thought, my daughter's wardrobe quadrupled in one day. She has so MANY cute summer dresses, little outfits, shorts...she is going to be the cutest, best-dressed kid for miles! She also got new toys including a tea set, a cookie jar and my Aunt Dale made her the sweetest homemade doll with her name sewn into it...very adorable. With such a long day, the Pumpkin was in bed earlier then normal but that was to be expected. She was such a good girl (as always) for her party! We had such a great time, but Jay and I decided, next year, it will be Mommy, Daddy and Pumpkin going out to dinner...lol...don't think Papa & Nana and Grandma and Grandpa will let us get away with that...but she probably won't have another party of this size until...maybe 10...okay, probably 5 the way we give into that precious face!
Following her birthday party, we took Evelyn for her big girl 1-year old pictures. Our original appointment didn't go so well. Pumpkin was cranky and didn't want to sit still. She was crawling all over the place! Hh my...it was crazy for Jay and I to try and keep her in one spot let alone the photographer to be able to get her to smile! After about 30 minutes of a pouty-faced pumpkin, we called it a night and rescheduled her shoot for a few days later. Jay had to work that day so I ended up taking her alone and let me tell you -- the Ham was back in action! Did she work that camera!! For this sitting I get all the photos on disc so once I have them, I will post a bunch for you to see!
For now, enjoy the pictures from Evelyn's 1st B-day party below!!!
Tonight she goes for her big 1-year old doctor check-up...which I think means shots...dun, dun, dun!! (I'm putting my weight guess in at 22lbs!)
Proud parents!

The Price Family (minus AJ!)

Sophia wants a piece of that cupcake!



Two of the latest to join the Parent Club - Rob and Amy
(Baby Cole - 5/16/10)

The Stahl Family

Nana and Evelyn

Tim and AJ

The Olivieri Family
Me and My Mama and of course, pumpkin
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