Her 1-year old check-up went well...she weighed in at 21lbs flat and measured 29.5 inches tall...she is still in the 50th percentile for her weight, 95th for her height and the doc said she is now somewhere between the 70th and 90th percentile for her head size...how they came to that conclusion is beyond me...maybe pumpkin's head-size adjusts daily...lol.
During her doctor visit, the doctor noticed an ear infection...in both ears! (Which is odd...because when I was just a baby myself...I also had a double ear infection by the time of my first bday!) So the doctor prescribed her amoxocillin to battle the infection. It went so-so in the first days or so...until I picked her up from daycare and her daycare lady, Kathy, had tears in her eyes because Pumpkin got the worst diaper rash. It was so heartbreaking, I had her back at the doctors the next day. The doctor assured us, that while it looked pretty bad it wasn't the worst they have scene (if that is true, I don't even want to imagine what the 'worse' looks like!) The doctor gave us some tricks and tips to help battle the diaper rash which worked well (although I think she is just so sensitive she is going to be prone to this until I get her out of diapers!)
Anyway...so that following weekend, I, along with my friend Gina from college, left town for the night to visit my very good friends Kelly and Cliff Corbin in Toronto (Hi Cliff!) While I had a great time, the next morning I awoke to a text from Jay letting me know that Evelyn had developed some sort of rash...of course I went straight into Mom mode wanting to know every detail about this so-called rash. Jay...being Jay...wasn't too descriptive other than to tell me they were red...gee, thanks...lol. So, when I got home from Toronto, Evelyn was just waking up from
her nap, and oh my...trying to remain calm...I approached the 'spot.' Evelyn was covered...and I mean covered...in red little dots and bumps all over. I was totally freaked out but tried to hide my fears from my face because spot..I mean pumpkin...is pretty good at reading when something is wrong. I immediately got on the computer and started googling everything from chicken pox to heat rash to 'this is what happens when you leave Daddy in charge for ONE night!' hahaha..just kidding, Jay! I ruled out chicken pox because there was no puss and it didn't seem to bother her in the least. I ended up settling on heat rash because the weather had been so warm and humid the past couple of days. But, there was one thing that bothered me...the fact that this rash had taken over her entire body from heat-to-toe, except from where her diaper sat. The Internet description said heat rash is common on the body where clothes and diapers sit...so I couldn't understand why it would be on her hands, feet, head, ears, face, back, front...it was everywhere! To treat heat rash you are just supposed to keep the child cool and comfortable, which is what we did for the next few days and the rash seemed to lighten up. But, by the weekend, it was back in full force and I couldn't take it anymore.
I took her to Kidz Xpress, which is an off-hours (heaven sent) doctor's office that you can take your children to when doctors offices' are typically closed. We met with the doctor who was even taken back by the extend of the rash and said it was not heat rash but instead appeared to be a reaction to something because it was so spread across her body. So, we started going through what she eats, wears for sunscreen, etc...and then the doctors asks "Is she on any medication" I reply, "Yeah, amoxocillin for an ear infection." And the light bulb goes off. Ding, ding, ding...we have a winner!
The doctor explained that when children are allergic to antibiotics such as amoxocillin then the reaction typically does not appear until the end of the treatment and Evelyn was on her last two days of doses, so this made perfect sense! And, I'm so happy we decided to take her to Kidz Xpress, because in 2 days she would have been finished with her meds, cleared up in a few days and if she ever needed antibiotics again, they would have put her on amoxocillin, or penicillin...or any "cillin" for that the reaction could have been more severe. So, for all my blog readers - Evelyn is ALLERGIC to the 'cillins' and will have to be placed on sulfur-based drugs for any future treatments. Of course we immediately stopped the amoxocillin (oh, and while we were at Kidz Xpress they checked her ears and the infection was totally gone!). Her regular peditircian was made aware of the visit and the suggested outcome of Evelyn's allergies. So all is well that ends well, right? Wrong...about 2 weeks later, Evelyn broke out in another rash...this time only covering her arms and legs!! Seriously? Back to the doctors we went! This time, Evelyn saw her own pediatrician and while they couldn't determine exactly what was causing this rash - rashes are apparently tricky to pinpoint in nature unless its the obvious like pox, measles or poison ivy. The Doc determined that Evelyn was probably getting over a viral infection and this was her body's way of letting the virus out. Since her two rashes came so close together, the Doctor still said they are going to consider and treat her in the future as if she is allergic to the 'cillins' so there is no chance of a secondary, much more severe, reaction....case closed. (for now..) So basically, the month of June felt like one big trip to the doctors. The weather has definitely been on our side
so we have been enjoying many days outside as a family on the front porch
or taking Evelyn for walks in the stroller or in her new learning tricycle that Grandma and Grandpa got her! She still is not walking on her own...but that's ok...my little girl will do things when she is fine and ready. Although, I do wish it was sooner then later, because pumpkin sure ain't the lightweight she used to be! If I dare say, she is a terrific sleeper...I can't even count on one hand the number of times I hear her awake in the night. And, if she does wake up then its just to talk to herself and her toys and then boom, she's out like a light. A few times here and there, Jay and I are the ones waking her up! Another present Evelyn got for her birthday was her big girl chair from Aunt Jenn and Uncle Tim...she is just the cutest when she actually sits in it and watches tv for a whole minute...but she mostly enjoys making it rock!

The doctor explained that when children are allergic to antibiotics such as amoxocillin then the reaction typically does not appear until the end of the treatment and Evelyn was on her last two days of doses, so this made perfect sense! And, I'm so happy we decided to take her to Kidz Xpress, because in 2 days she would have been finished with her meds, cleared up in a few days and if she ever needed antibiotics again, they would have put her on amoxocillin, or penicillin...or any "cillin" for that the reaction could have been more severe. So, for all my blog readers - Evelyn is ALLERGIC to the 'cillins' and will have to be placed on sulfur-based drugs for any future treatments. Of course we immediately stopped the amoxocillin (oh, and while we were at Kidz Xpress they checked her ears and the infection was totally gone!). Her regular peditircian was made aware of the visit and the suggested outcome of Evelyn's allergies. So all is well that ends well, right? Wrong...about 2 weeks later, Evelyn broke out in another rash...this time only covering her arms and legs!! Seriously? Back to the doctors we went! This time, Evelyn saw her own pediatrician and while they couldn't determine exactly what was causing this rash - rashes are apparently tricky to pinpoint in nature unless its the obvious like pox, measles or poison ivy. The Doc determined that Evelyn was probably getting over a viral infection and this was her body's way of letting the virus out. Since her two rashes came so close together, the Doctor still said they are going to consider and treat her in the future as if she is allergic to the 'cillins' so there is no chance of a secondary, much more severe, reaction....case closed. (for now..) So basically, the month of June felt like one big trip to the doctors. The weather has definitely been on our side

or taking Evelyn for walks in the stroller or in her new learning tricycle that Grandma and Grandpa got her! She still is not walking on her own...but that's ok...my little girl will do things when she is fine and ready. Although, I do wish it was sooner then later, because pumpkin sure ain't the lightweight she used to be! If I dare say, she is a terrific sleeper...I can't even count on one hand the number of times I hear her awake in the night. And, if she does wake up then its just to talk to herself and her toys and then boom, she's out like a light. A few times here and there, Jay and I are the ones waking her up! Another present Evelyn got for her birthday was her big girl chair from Aunt Jenn and Uncle Tim...she is just the cutest when she actually sits in it and watches tv for a whole minute...but she mostly enjoys making it rock!
We recently had a family staycation during the first week of July! Both Jay and I were off and it i
s the one week of the year that daycare is closed. It was a nice, but fast vacation. We
spent time with family and friends celebrating the 4th of July with cookouts and what not. Evelyn looked so cute in her little 4th of July dress thanks to Aunt Jenn T!
We spent time over Aunt Jenn and Uncle Tim's pool where Evelyn wasn't the biggest fan of the water but she would warm up after a little bit...but never taking her death grip from my neck!
We spent a few days at camp where she fell in love with her baby pool! She LOVES to splash and scream in her baby pool pool...something that has translated over during bath time --- yeah, that's not so fun for Mommy! Hahah! Oh, and Evelyn has found herself a new favorite food too...corn on the cob!!
The summer is half way over and we are looking forward to just spending more time with pumpkin outside, taking walks, going to the river and spending time with friends and family! We have Daddy's birthday coming up and Pumpkin is trying to cook-up a super gift to surprise him with!! Any ideas?!?!
Evelyn isn't scheduled to go back to the doctor's until early September...although we'll see if that works out as planned...you never know with kids!! Hopefully the next time I update this it will be with the big 'W' news!! (aka...walking!)

spent time with family and friends celebrating the 4th of July with cookouts and what not. Evelyn looked so cute in her little 4th of July dress thanks to Aunt Jenn T!
We spent time over Aunt Jenn and Uncle Tim's pool where Evelyn wasn't the biggest fan of the water but she would warm up after a little bit...but never taking her death grip from my neck!
We spent a few days at camp where she fell in love with her baby pool! She LOVES to splash and scream in her baby pool pool...something that has translated over during bath time --- yeah, that's not so fun for Mommy! Hahah! Oh, and Evelyn has found herself a new favorite food too...corn on the cob!!

The summer is half way over and we are looking forward to just spending more time with pumpkin outside, taking walks, going to the river and spending time with friends and family! We have Daddy's birthday coming up and Pumpkin is trying to cook-up a super gift to surprise him with!! Any ideas?!?!
Evelyn isn't scheduled to go back to the doctor's until early September...although we'll see if that works out as planned...you never know with kids!! Hopefully the next time I update this it will be with the big 'W' news!! (aka...walking!)
Don't let Kelly read this post. Once she reads about a month of rashes, Dr. visits the chances of us having our own pumkin anytime soon will go way down ;)
ReplyDeleteLove the photos...give here a hug for me and tell her i'm kinda sorry I kept mommy away for a night