The following evening, Jay and I invited over friends and family so we could see our nieces and nephews in their Halloween customes and everyone was just sooo cute! Evelyn wore costume #2...what else...the pumpkin was a PUMPKIN! I set up this little picture area for all...yeah, right...good luck getting a 1-year old to
The following day, which was Halloween, Jay and I were excited to take Evelyn on her first trick-or-treating adventure. So we suited her back up in her pumpkin costumer and we were off! It was really fun (and not to mention so cute)! Personally, I think Evelyn was just enjoying being able to run around the neighborhood! After a few houses, I think she kind of understood what we were doing. She was very happy to see poeple putting candy in her little ghost bag! Of course, many of
Evelyn was in bed early that night...and of course her father and I did what every parent is supposed to do post-trick-or-treating...we raided her stash!! LOL :)
Things have been moving along smoothly with Evelyn's development. She is a talker...if only we could actually understand her half the time!! She just loves her bath time...loves to splash and kick and even understands to 'wash the head' and to 'wash the belly.'. She is 100% on regular foods now and eats pretty much anything...although when she has had enough she lets you know! Not by turning her head or pushing the spoon, no..she'll take the bite...let it sit there and then spit it out all over the place all mushed up!!
Evelyn has even been showing us a few temper tantrums these past couple weeks. From what I've read about these, it's just her way of expressing herself because we cannot communicate on a 'normal basis' quite yet. Hmmmm, well let me tell you does she know how to express herself! Yes, she does the typical tantrum stuff like throw her entire body on the floor and kick and scream...but in addition she also throws down "in anger" anything lying around (like a book or a toy) and even better...her last big one, she came up and tried to push me! I swear! The little bugger...crying, snotty face and all, walks over and pushes me in the leg....I don't think so little lady. Thus, Evelyn has been experiencing her first 'time outs.' The only place I can think to put her is in the crib, so that's where she goes. Usually this is much to her pleasure! She'll spend her 2-3 minutes in there jumping on her bed and saying "do, do, do, di, di, di"...OMG! It's hard not to laugh, but we are trying to be firm as well to avoid any bad habits for the future...we'll see how good that works, right Moms out there?! LOL
The Holidays are basically here! Thanksgiving is next weekend and we are looking forward to spending time with both of our families!! And we cannot wait until Christmas!! I am looking foward to getting up the decoration and especially the tree...I can't wait to see her reaction!! Also, all the Christmas movies that are on! She is learnign to sit and enjoy a movie with us from time to time...just recently she watched about 80% of Toy Story 3 while cuddling with her Mommy and Daddy! So looking forward to snuggle time and The Muppets Christmas Carol!! Tis the Season All! last an extra speical suprise for my pumpkin on Halloween (and not to mention my husband and our families) Mommy joined in on the fun and dressed up as the Mommy Pumpkin!! Hopefully, it's more sweet than corny...either way, I don't care...It's all for her now!
The Holidays are basically here! Thanksgiving is next weekend and we are looking forward to spending time with both of our families!! And we cannot wait until Christmas!! I am looking foward to getting up the decoration and especially the tree...I can't wait to see her reaction!! Also, all the Christmas movies that are on! She is learnign to sit and enjoy a movie with us from time to time...just recently she watched about 80% of Toy Story 3 while cuddling with her Mommy and Daddy! So looking forward to snuggle time and The Muppets Christmas Carol!! Tis the Season All! last an extra speical suprise for my pumpkin on Halloween (and not to mention my husband and our families) Mommy joined in on the fun and dressed up as the Mommy Pumpkin!! Hopefully, it's more sweet than corny...either way, I don't care...It's all for her now!

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