Say Hello to Bear Bear...or Be-Be as Evelyn calls him.
Bear Bear is Evelyn's own 'baby'....and she just loves him!
She feeds him her bottles, shares her food with him (yes, all types of food), she tries to put diapers on him, she puts socks on his feeties when they are cold and she will even tell you when Bear Bear has 'stinky toes.'
Bear Bear likes to go everywhere that Evelyn does....and when he can't...such as daycare b/c we are afraid of other children 'borrowing' Bear Bear...well then, Miss Evelyn is none to happy over that!! It's so heart breaking to hear her cry, sob, point and say '" So congrats Party have just gotten some of the Tylec family fund as we are stocking up on Bear Bears!! One for daycare, one for back-ups...might even need a bear-bear for each of our cars!!

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