So many things have happened and/or are happening...this is just going to be the best and the busiest year for us! Let's back it up a little bit before we get onto our exciting New Year's news...
Evelyn had her 18-month check up on December 15th and she is doing just perfect!! She weighed 24 lbs (not even a quarter-pounder yet) and is 34.5 inches tall and well...her head is

There are hardly any words to describe how awesome Christmas was this year. As we have done in the past, my Mom, sister and her kids, Bri Bri and AJ all met at the Boulevard Mall for our annual Trip to see the Claus. Last year, Evelyn was just a doll...smiling and looking ever so porcelin prefect on Santa's lap. This year, ...ummm...not so much?! I think it took less then 2 seconds after I put Evelyn on Santa's lap for the lip to quiver, the water to start tearing up and then they much anticipated 'waaaahhhhhhh!' LOL! I know I shouldn't laugh, but this was funny. Of course I just had them snap the picture -- tears and all. It turned out to be the perfect picture though as we made it our Xmas card this year...but included last year's picture perfect shot next to it with the heading - What A Difference A Year Makes! LOL. It was a big hit among all the family and friends! I'm sure Evelyn will get a kick out of it as well when she is older (However, the pictures I'm getting of her putting her finger up her nose because she figures 'hey...there's a hole there'...hmmm...not sure she will apprecia
Christmas Eve we spent at the Tylecs house, and Aunt Jenn, Uncle Larry and baby Austin came over too so we could celebrate Austin's 1st Xmas together. Jay's brother, Jeremy and his wife Jamie and her son, Anthony, were also there so this was the first time the entire Tylec family has been together for Xmas in quite some time! We enjoyed a great dinner, followed by a special surprise visitor for the kids - Santa. Or wait....more like a special surprise nightmare for Evelyn. The man with the scary beard and red suit was back!! Evelyn lasted about 5 seconds on Santa's
I figure that once these kids figure out 'this' is who brings you the toys and presents...then they'll be sure to warm up to him! Evelyn has on her Xmas Eve pj's which read 'Staying Up for Santa" but clearly that was the last person she wanted to see!! We opened presents from Aunt Jenn and Uncle Larry....although Evelyn got more enjoyment out of playing with Austin's toys then she did her own! Well, except for the vacuum she got!! If only these things actually vacuumed!! Christmas morning we woke up at the Tylecs (well, Evelyn woke us up...) and we went into the living room where, Surprise! Santa stopped by in the middle of the night (much to Evelyn's pleasure...don't need to see ya big man, just leave the presents and go...lol)
As it was last year, Evelyn has apparently been the best little girl b/c wow...did Santa hook her up! Evelyn is now riding around the house on her own Barbie 4-Wheeler and crawling and hiding out in her very own tent which comes with long fun tube that hooks up to it!
In the later morning, it was time to head home and much to Evelyn's continued delight...Santa had also stopped by there too!! But...to much fun playing in the tent/tube and 4-Wheeler riding over Nana & Poppa's wore her out...so before she got to dive into Santa's drop-off at our house...it was time for a much needed family nap!
When she (and we) finally woke up - My, My was Santa good to Evelyn yet again!! She got her first Radio Flyer Red Wagon, a giant spring horse (which much to our 'excitement' sings the exact same songs as her little horse!! NOT...lol)
Evelyn also got her own inflatable Disney Princess ball pit...although Mommy has to write a letter to Santa and ask - where are the balls that come to fill up the ball pit?!?! 30 is not nearly enough!! Even Bear Bear made out this Christmas with a set of toys just perfect for Ev and Bear Bear time including a mini stroller, pack & play, chair...etc. Evelyn gets a kick out of putting Bear-Bear night night in the pack and play and pushing Bear-Bear around the house in the stroller. (Can't wait till spring/summer and she can take Bear-Bear on walks outside!)
Dinner was fantastic at my parents!! Great job on the prime rib Dad!! Evelyn enjoyed a piece of sausage and some other goodies...although none compare to when she gets chocolate milk instead of regular milk at dinner! Boy, can my baby girl chug (hmmm...insight of things to come?! lol) Because Santa seemed to overload at my parents house we started presents before dinner where Evelyn got her very first kitchen set! It's a 'grow with me set' so as she gets bigger (which seems to be by the day in her case!) we can adjust the kitchen set to match her size.
After dinner, we attacked the rest of the moutain of wrapping paper and bows. Evelyn got lots of new clothes, slippers and boots and even a dancing and singing Mickey Mouse from Aunt Jenn and Uncle Tim. Dance Party with Mickey has now become part of our daily evening routine - shake your tail now!!
In all, Christmas was just wonderful! We are so lucky to have such a generous and loving family to make Evelyn's day so special and fun! It was just amazing to watch her actually open gifts this year as opposed to just eating the paper like she did last year. She still doesn't quite get it yet, but she's coming around!
The best Christmas present though - Jay, Evelyn and myself were off the entire week following Xmas together (well, Jay worked 1 day). It was so nice to spend the days at home with her...opening and playing with all her toys from Xmas. Watching movies like Toy Story 3 and Beauty & The Beast. She may not sit for the entire movie, but my little girl does love to snuggle with her Mama for a little bit :) It was the best way to spend the holidays and I'm looking forward to taking that week off again at the end of 2011!!!
Speaking of the New Year...the Tylecs have quite an exciting venture coming up....we are MOVING!!!! That's right! We sold the house!! After about 5 months on the market, we finally sold our house! Meaning, we can move into the home we have been eye-balling for almost two years!!! We are SUPER excited and we cannot WAIT to start our lives over on Locust Street in NT (only about 5 or so minutes away from where we currently are!) Closings on both properties is set for Feb. 25th....so as I write this we have exactly 40 days until we are completely moved into our new home!!! Of course there is a slight sadness to walk away from Dahlgreen as this was Jay's Nana's and family's house for sometime. Not to mention its the house where Jay proposed to me, where we came home too as man and wife, and where we first brought our little Evelyn home too. We have many great memories to carry in our hearts from this home.
But...we have to look to the future...which means bigger and better! I'll post pics and describe the new house in the coming weeks! Since the house is vacant, we are pretty sure that we can start moving in and making it 'our own' in just a few short weeks!! Such an exciting time for us! We can't wait to show Evelyn her new home! How's that for a New Year!

Evelyn - 1st Xmas 2009 vs 2nd Xmas 2010!
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