Monday, November 22, 2010

Introducing....Bear Bear

It's my pleasure to introduce you to the newest member of the Tylec Family.
Say Hello to Bear Bear...or Be-Be as Evelyn calls him.
Bear Bear is Evelyn's own 'baby'....and she just loves him!
She feeds him her bottles, shares her food with him (yes, all types of food), she tries to put diapers on him, she puts socks on his feeties when they are cold and she will even tell you when Bear Bear has 'stinky toes.'
Bear Bear likes to go everywhere that Evelyn does....and when he can't...such as daycare b/c we are afraid of other children 'borrowing' Bear Bear...well then, Miss Evelyn is none to happy over that!! It's so heart breaking to hear her cry, sob, point and say '" So congrats Party have just gotten some of the Tylec family fund as we are stocking up on Bear Bears!! One for daycare, one for back-ups...might even need a bear-bear for each of our cars!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A Happy Halloween

Well it's almost Thanksgiving and I'm finally recapping Halloween for you!! Needless to say, we've been busy in the household as our little pumpkin is into anything and everything these days! She really is doing just great!! She's such a sponge who soaks up all this information and tries to mimic her Mommy and Daddy!! We just love it! We all had a very nice Halloween which began on Friday when Evelyn's daycare had a dress-up party and Evelyn wore her pink Kitty Kat cute!!
The following evening, Jay and I invited over friends and family so we could see our nieces and nephews in their Halloween customes and everyone was just sooo cute! Evelyn wore costume #2...what else...the pumpkin was a PUMPKIN!
And, I even set up a little picture area where we could 'pose' the kids with some of my Halloween Decorations (one of which is a 6-foot tall Butler who we call first Evelyn wouldn't even come near him - his eyes light up and he talks...LOL...but eventually she warmed up and by Halloween he was her BFF and she always wanted him to talk in his dark, scary voice!!) I set up this little picture area for all...yeah, right...good luck getting a 1-year old to sit still for anything these days (something i would learn once again a few weeks after this when we tried Tylec Family Photo day at Jay's parents house!) We got as many good photos as we could of our pumpkin and her friends and spent the rest of the evening enjoying time with everyone!
The following day, which was Halloween, Jay and I were excited to take Evelyn on her first trick-or-treating adventure. So we suited her back up in her pumpkin costumer and we were off! It was really fun (and not to mention so cute)! Personally, I think Evelyn was just enjoying being able to run around the neighborhood! After a few houses, I think she kind of understood what we were doing. She was very happy to see poeple putting candy in her little ghost bag! Of course, many of our neighbors had nothing but great compliments to say about our pumpkin and we couldn't disagree...she is just the cutest!!
Evelyn was in bed early that night...and of course her father and I did what every parent is supposed to do post-trick-or-treating...we raided her stash!! LOL :)

Things have been moving along smoothly with Evelyn's development. She is a talker...if only we could actually understand her half the time!! She just loves her bath time...loves to splash and kick and even understands to 'wash the head' and to 'wash the belly.'. She is 100% on regular foods now and eats pretty much anything...although when she has had enough she lets you know! Not by turning her head or pushing the spoon, no..she'll take the bite...let it sit there and then spit it out all over the place all mushed up!!
Evelyn has even been showing us a few temper tantrums these past couple weeks. From what I've read about these, it's just her way of expressing herself because we cannot communicate on a 'normal basis' quite yet. Hmmmm, well let me tell you does she know how to express herself! Yes, she does the typical tantrum stuff like throw her entire body on the floor and kick and scream...but in addition she also throws down "in anger" anything lying around (like a book or a toy) and even better...her last big one, she came up and tried to push me! I swear! The little bugger...crying, snotty face and all, walks over and pushes me in the leg....I don't think so little lady. Thus, Evelyn has been experiencing her first 'time outs.' The only place I can think to put her is in the crib, so that's where she goes. Usually this is much to her pleasure! She'll spend her 2-3 minutes in there jumping on her bed and saying "do, do, do, di, di, di"...OMG! It's hard not to laugh, but we are trying to be firm as well to avoid any bad habits for the future...we'll see how good that works, right Moms out there?! LOL
The Holidays are basically here! Thanksgiving is next weekend and we are looking forward to spending time with both of our families!! And we cannot wait until Christmas!! I am looking foward to getting up the decoration and especially the tree...I can't wait to see her reaction!! Also, all the Christmas movies that are on! She is learnign to sit and enjoy a movie with us from time to time...just recently she watched about 80% of Toy Story 3 while cuddling with her Mommy and Daddy! So looking forward to snuggle time and The Muppets Christmas Carol!! Tis the Season All! last an extra speical suprise for my pumpkin on Halloween (and not to mention my husband and our families) Mommy joined in on the fun and dressed up as the Mommy Pumpkin!! Hopefully, it's more sweet than corny...either way, I don't care...It's all for her now!
Mommy Pumpkin & Pumpkin Pumpkin - Halloween 2010

Monday, September 27, 2010

Fall Fun!

Well, here we are already into the cool, crisp air that fall time brings! I know it has been a while but we have just been overwhelming busy in the Tylec household! I told you that Evelyn is now walking...and I mean she is on the go!! The little lady hauls her butt all over the house...she even loves holding your hand and walking to the park that is down the street from our house! (although, one morning I made the mistake of letting her walk to the car with me so I could take her to daycare before work...yeah, she thought we were off to the park...boy did this ensue some tears and pointing towards the swings!) She has been walking for a little over a month now and it was just like everyone had predicted - one day, she just started taking steps. First, it was just walking back and forth between Jay and myself but eventually she got the courage to just go off by herself! She still has that 'drunk' wobble walk every now and then but she gets around
just fine! We are so proud of her, but it really is going to fast!!
She recently went for her 15-month check up and she is growing just if you didn't know just by looking at her pictures. She weighs 23 lbs and is 32.5 inches long. Her pumpkin head is measuring in the 75ht percentile now so its finally starting to even out with the rest of her body...she's just perfect! While we were with the doctor we reviewed a cough Evelyn has had for quite some time. Not sure if its allergies, a cold, a combination of both...the doctor decided to take action and put Evelyn on an inhaler with steriods to try and knock the cough out of her (she doesn't weeze or gasp for breath, she can just sound very chest congested and doesn't know how to clear her throat quite yet...but it doesn't bother her in the least) So, with the inhaler came a small tube and mask we were to use to administer 2 puffs in the morning and 2 puffs in the evening....yeah, this was more like torture to both pumpkin and us then anything. Of course she was scared of it, she had no idea what we were doing and no amount of reassurance from us was helping. We more or less had to hold her down and as quickly as possible get the 2 puffs be honest, I don't even know how much we were getting into her because she woudl move so much and we didn't want to be to forceful! So this went on for about 2 weeks and then we started noticing some behaviorial changes in her...she became very whiny, lost her appetite,wanted to sleep all day and would still sleep all night. I would go to pick her up from daycare and my daycare provider, Kathy, would be at her wits end because Evelyn would just cry and whine if she wasn't sleeping all day long...not something that I would imagine is that easy to handle when you have a house full of kids! So, we decided to stop teh inhaler to see if that would help these mood swings and wouldn't you know it, within 2 days she was back to normal and we haven't had a problem since. She goes back to the doctor next Monday for a follow-up (the cough is still there) and the doctor is aware we stopped the inhaler so we will see what they say next?!
But onto more fun, exciting things!!!
It was a great summer and we did many thigns as a family! Evelyn had her first trip to Darien Lake and Fantasy Island! She was able to go on some rides like the Merry-Go-Round and the rides in the kiddie parks! We went to birthday parties for her fellow 1-year olds Sophia and
Nevaeh. We took many trips to the parks, bike rides down at the river, dinners outside...its just been great!
We kicked off fall right by taking our pumpkin - where else but the Great Pumpkin Farm! We had such a good time going on some of the rides they had like the giant slide and tasted some great BBQ...and of course lil' Miss Evelyn got her favorite - corn-on-the-cob! However, when it was time to roam around the pumpkins, I don't know what happened but it turns out
our pumpkin has a slight fear of...go figure...pumpkins!!! Check out these pictures!

We are looking forward to the coming holidays! Halloween, then Thanskgiving and of course Christmas!!
I'm still debating on her Halloween costume. I picked up a pink kitty cat outfit that she is super cute in...but...she was a black kitty cat last year? Plus, there are so many super cute outfits out there for babies!! Ohh...decisions, decisions. They should have Halloween week for babies 5 and under...just so the parents could dress them up everyday!!

Friday, August 27, 2010

i know...

I know it's been over a month since my last post but my computer has been on the fritz!! It's all better now and I'll be able to update the blog soon enough with all the new updates about our Pumpkin and there is lots to update you on! She had her first trip to Fantasy Island and the Zoo...went to birthday parties....and yes, she is finally WALKING!!!! She is just the best!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Summer fun (minus a few rash road bumps...)

Well...our little pumpkin isn't so little anymore! She's almost 14 months!!
Her 1-year old check-up went well...she weighed in at 21lbs flat and measured 29.5 inches tall...she is still in the 50th percentile for her weight, 95th for her height and the doc said she is now somewhere between the 70th and 90th percentile for her head they came to that conclusion is beyond me...maybe pumpkin's head-size adjusts
During her doctor visit, the doctor noticed an ear both ears! (Which is odd...because when I was just a baby myself...I also had a double ear infection by the time of my first bday!) So the doctor prescribed her amoxocillin to battle the infection. It went so-so in the first days or so...until I picked her up from daycare and her daycare lady, Kathy, had tears in her eyes because Pumpkin got the worst diaper rash. It was so heartbreaking, I had her back at the doctors the next day. The doctor assured us, that while it looked pretty bad it wasn't the worst they have scene (if that is true, I don't even want to imagine what the 'worse' looks like!) The doctor gave us some tricks and tips to help battle the diaper rash which worked well (although I think she is just so sensitive she is going to be prone to this until I get her out of diapers!) that following weekend, I, along with my friend Gina from college, left town for the night to visit my very good friends Kelly and Cliff Corbin in Toronto (Hi Cliff!) While I had a great time, the next morning I awoke to a text from Jay letting me know that Evelyn had developed some sort of rash...of course I went straight into Mom mode wanting to know every detail about this so-called rash. Jay...being Jay...wasn't too descriptive other than to tell me they were red...gee, So, when I got home from Toronto, Evelyn was just waking up from her nap, and oh my...trying to remain calm...I approached the 'spot.' Evelyn was covered...and I mean red little dots and bumps all over. I was totally freaked out but tried to hide my fears from my face because spot..I mean pretty good at reading when something is wrong. I immediately got on the computer and started googling everything from chicken pox to heat rash to 'this is what happens when you leave Daddy in charge for ONE night!' hahaha..just kidding, Jay! I ruled out chicken pox because there was no puss and it didn't seem to bother her in the least. I ended up settling on heat rash because the weather had been so warm and humid the past couple of days. But, there was one thing that bothered me...the fact that this rash had taken over her entire body from heat-to-toe, except from where her diaper sat. The Internet description said heat rash is common on the body where clothes and diapers I couldn't understand why it would be on her hands, feet, head, ears, face, back, was everywhere! To treat heat rash you are just supposed to keep the child cool and comfortable, which is what we did for the next few days and the rash seemed to lighten up. But, by the weekend, it was back in full force and I couldn't take it anymore. I took her to Kidz Xpress, which is an off-hours (heaven sent) doctor's office that you can take your children to when doctors offices' are typically closed. We met with the doctor who was even taken back by the extend of the rash and said it was not heat rash but instead appeared to be a reaction to something because it was so spread across her body. So, we started going through what she eats, wears for sunscreen, etc...and then the doctors asks "Is she on any medication" I reply, "Yeah, amoxocillin for an ear infection." And the light bulb goes off. Ding, ding, ding...we have a winner!
The doctor explained that when children are allergic to antibiotics such as amoxocillin then the reaction typically does not appear until the end of the treatment and Evelyn was on her last two days of doses, so this made perfect sense! And, I'm so happy we decided to take her to Kidz Xpress, because in 2 days she would have been finished with her meds, cleared up in a few days and if she ever needed antibiotics again, they would have put her on amoxocillin, or penicillin...or any "cillin" for that the reaction could have been more severe. So, for all my blog readers - Evelyn is ALLERGIC to the 'cillins' and will have to be placed on sulfur-based drugs for any future treatments. Of course we immediately stopped the amoxocillin (oh, and while we were at Kidz Xpress they checked her ears and the infection was totally gone!). Her regular peditircian was made aware of the visit and the suggested outcome of Evelyn's allergies. So all is well that ends well, right? Wrong...about 2 weeks later, Evelyn broke out in another rash...this time only covering her arms and legs!! Seriously? Back to the doctors we went! This time, Evelyn saw her own pediatrician and while they couldn't determine exactly what was causing this rash - rashes are apparently tricky to pinpoint in nature unless its the obvious like pox, measles or poison ivy. The Doc determined that Evelyn was probably getting over a viral infection and this was her body's way of letting the virus out. Since her two rashes came so close together, the Doctor still said they are going to consider and treat her in the future as if she is allergic to the 'cillins' so there is no chance of a secondary, much more severe, closed. (for now..) So basically, the month of June felt like one big trip to the doctors. The weather has definitely been on our side so we have been enjoying many days outside as a family on the front porch
or taking Evelyn for walks in the stroller or in her new learning tricycle that Grandma and Grandpa got her! She still is not walking on her own...but that's little girl will do things when she is fine and ready. Although, I do wish it was sooner then later, because pumpkin sure ain't the lightweight she used to be! If I dare say, she is a terrific sleeper...I can't even count on one hand the number of times I hear her awake in the night. And, if she does wake up then its just to talk to herself and her toys and then boom, she's out like a light. A few times here and there, Jay and I are the ones waking her up! Another present Evelyn got for her birthday was her big girl chair from Aunt Jenn and Uncle Tim...she is just the cutest when she actually sits in it and watches tv for a whole minute...but she mostly enjoys making it rock!
We recently had a family staycation during the first week of July! Both Jay and I were off and it is the one week of the year that daycare is closed. It was a nice, but fast vacation. We
spent time with family and friends celebrating the 4th of July with cookouts and what not. Evelyn looked so cute in her little 4th of July dress thanks to Aunt Jenn T!
We spent time over Aunt Jenn and Uncle Tim's pool where Evelyn wasn't the biggest fan of the water but she would warm up after a little bit...but never taking her death grip from my neck!
We spent a few days at camp where she fell in love with her baby pool! She LOVES to splash and scream in her baby pool pool...something that has translated over during bath time --- yeah, that's not so fun for Mommy! Hahah! Oh, and Evelyn has found herself a new favorite food too...corn on the cob!!
The summer is half way over and we are looking forward to just spending more time with pumpkin outside, taking walks, going to the river and spending time with friends and family! We have Daddy's birthday coming up and Pumpkin is trying to cook-up a super gift to surprise him with!! Any ideas?!?!
Evelyn isn't scheduled to go back to the doctor's until early September...although we'll see if that works out as never know with kids!! Hopefully the next time I update this it will be with the big 'W' news!! (aka...walking!)

Monday, June 7, 2010


Let me tell we Tylecs/Karchers know how to throw a party!! We couldn't have asked for a better day for Evelyn's 1st Birthday Party. Everything from start to finish was flawless and just utterly perfect -- exactly what our little princess deserved. Too bad she'll never remember it, right?! Ha! The day started off bright and early for us as I dropped her royal highness off at my parents so I could head out for Operation Decoration. Jay was off to the store to get the essentials for any Tylec party - beer and ice! I was off to Party City to pick up my fleet of balloons, which let me tell you -- even though I traded my mom her SUV for my car for the was no easy feat getting 40 helium filled balloons into that thing! After Party City, I headed off to Mayor's Park where Operation Decoration officially commenced. It began great...I opened the door to my Mom's car and out flies a bunch of balloons....awesome. Oh well, no time to fret over lost balloons. So I made due with what was left...a sea of pink balloons mixed in with some green. We also had table cloths, little 1st b-day party decorations and all that good stuff. In the end, the pavilion looked quite cute with little Miss Evelyn's highchair decorated at the 'front of the class."
When Pumpkin first arrived it was Daddy's perfect opportunity to take her in the big bounce house before everyone else showed up...yeah...not so much of a good idea! LOL. Pumpkin was not a fan and pretty much started bawling her pretty little eyes out. Hahaha...I'm sure this feeling for bounce houses won't last many more years. At 12:30 p.m. the party was 'officially' on and slowly but surely family and friends started making their way into the park. Our little angel was of course the center of attention and everyone 'oohed' and 'awwed' and how cute she looked in her little birthday dress with her flower headband on. We couldn't have asked for better weather. It was mid-70s, sunny but not hot...had a slight breeze that would come off the was truly a picture perfect day. We enjoyed pizza and wings (with mountains left over), salad, fruit and a variety of beverages :) It was great to see all our friends and family show up to show their love for our little girl. It was sweet to see all our friends coming in tow with their own pumpkins and how far we have all come over the years. The kids enjoyed the bounces houses (that's right, we had two! the smaller kiddies needed their own!) The adults enjoyed conversating as well as playing our favorite past time - cornhole. Overall, it was just a great day and afternoon and Jay and I are so grateful for all the help we received from both sides of our families.
Evelyn's cake (made by Nana of course) was a HUGE cupcake!! Bigger than her pumpkin head if you can believe it!! We all sang "Happy Birthday" to Evelyn while she looked at all of us like we were nuts! Afterwards (and with a little help) the pumpkin dove into the frosting and oh boy!! Did she like that stuff! was so sweet...made me a little teary-eyed. I can't believe it's already been a year.
We decided not to open gifts at the party as pumpkin does not know what she is doing and we did invite a lot of people and didn't want to take time away from the kids (and adults) enjoying themselves. So after the party, a few of us gathered at the Tylecs to relax and unwind and we opened up all her gifts. As I thought, my daughter's wardrobe quadrupled in one day. She has so MANY cute summer dresses, little outfits, shorts...she is going to be the cutest, best-dressed kid for miles! She also got new toys including a tea set, a cookie jar and my Aunt Dale made her the sweetest homemade doll with her name sewn into it...very adorable. With such a long day, the Pumpkin was in bed earlier then normal but that was to be expected. She was such a good girl (as always) for her party! We had such a great time, but Jay and I decided, next year, it will be Mommy, Daddy and Pumpkin going out to't think Papa & Nana and Grandma and Grandpa will let us get away with that...but she probably won't have another party of this size until...maybe 10...okay, probably 5 the way we give into that precious face!
Following her birthday party, we took Evelyn for her big girl 1-year old pictures. Our original appointment didn't go so well. Pumpkin was cranky and didn't want to sit still. She was crawling all over the place! Hh was crazy for Jay and I to try and keep her in one spot let alone the photographer to be able to get her to smile! After about 30 minutes of a pouty-faced pumpkin, we called it a night and rescheduled her shoot for a few days later. Jay had to work that day so I ended up taking her alone and let me tell you -- the Ham was back in action! Did she work that camera!! For this sitting I get all the photos on disc so once I have them, I will post a bunch for you to see!
For now, enjoy the pictures from Evelyn's 1st B-day party below!!!
Tonight she goes for her big 1-year old doctor check-up...which I think means shots...dun, dun, dun!! (I'm putting my weight guess in at 22lbs!)

Proud parents!

The Price Family (minus AJ!)

Sophia wants a piece of that cupcake!


Two of the latest to join the Parent Club - Rob and Amy
(Baby Cole - 5/16/10)

The Stahl Family

Nana and Evelyn

Tim and AJ

The Olivieri Family

Me and My Mama and of course, pumpkin

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

1 YEAR(S) OLD!!!!!!!!!

Ok, ok…it’s been quite a while since my last update but what can I say!! I’m a full-time working mom and wife with a house to keep, laundry to be done, dinners to be made and most importantly a pumpkin to play with!!!
Well, we made it!!! As of May 20, 2010, our little Evelyn Rose is officially 1 year old!! I can't believe how fast it has gone by! Jay and I just love her so much and feel so blessed that she came into our lives!! Evelyn's birthday week had a slight rough start as she was running a fever anywhere from 101-103 for a few days. She showed no other syptoms of having the flu or some type of other cold. Of course I called the peds office pretty much every day, and every day they told me to keep the fever at bay with Tylenol and keep her in loose clothes. So for a few days there pumpkin couldn't go off to 'school.' A very good friend of ours "Lil' Jen...who was about ready to pop her own pumpkin out...even came over one day to watch her so Jay and I could go to work! By her birtdhay, which was on a Thursday, the fever finally broke and Evelyn was cleared to return to daycare just in time! That morning we made an early stop at Tops to pick up some mini cupcakes for the kids at her daycare so they could all celebrate! When I dropped her off I told her daycare lady "If any of the other Moms ask...I made these cupcakes myself" Kathy replies "Funny, you all have the same recipe!" Too funny!
I was able to sneak out of work a little early and spend a gorgeous day with our little girl. Once Jay got home from work he gave pumpkin her present...a little chariot-style trailer that hooks onto the back of our bikes!! So we took Evelyn on her first bike ride and she is just TOO CUTE in her little (but kinda big) bike helmet...oh first!!
We rode our bikes down at the river and stopped off at Ole Man River for dinner. Pumpkin is eating anything and everything she can get her hands on (side note; at a differnt place, Jay put a lemon in her mouth...hysterical!! mean daddy!) After dinner we rode back to the car and stopped over Grandma and Grandpa's where pumpkin got presents!! LOTS of clothes and the coolest little tricycle thing that develops with her...I'll start by pushing her on it and eventually when she learns to petal, she'll be all over the place!!! We headed home and pumpkins was pooped!! She was in bed by 7:30 and Jay and I enjoyed the rest of the night as parents of a 1-year old princess!! The next day Nana stopped by to see the 'big girl' and brought more clothes! This girl's wadrobe has doubled in the past week and I have a feeling after her birthday party this Saturday it will probably quadrouple!
We are 3 days away from her big bday party! The decorations have been picked up (it was starting to look like a sea of pink so I threw some green in the mix!) ....the balloons are ordered, the food (pizza and wings) are set and we are expecting a great crowd of friends, family and kiddies to spend what is predicted to be a great Saturday afternoon with us!!
This month has just been so crazy! We have (so far) welcomed 2 new babies into world! Congrats to Amy and Rob on the birth of their son, Cole Robert who was born on May 16th and to Lil Jen and Erik who welcomed Isabelle Taylor on May 24th! Now we are just waiting on Evelyn's cousin, Austin, to arrive! I have a feeling it will be any day...but please just not at pumpkin's party!
No bounce house for Aunt Jenn!!!
I'll get party pics up asap!!
Happy Birthday to our precious pumpkin!! Love you to pieces!
Mommy and Daddy

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

10 Months! The Easter Bunny! And 'New' Ears!!

We’ve been busy little bees over the Tylec household! The pumpkin keeps us on our toes with her ever increased mobility. She’s not walking yet, but boy is she a fast crawler and she just loves to pull herself up (on anything) and stand tall. Since we have glass top tables throughout the living room, this has caused me to think I should buy some stock in Windex as it seems I’m wiping away little hand prints marks left and right!

Evelyn has about 7 teeth now! 3 on the bottom and 4 on the top! Two of them are not all the way through yet so we are dealing with LOTS and LOTS of drool….always fun.

She’s been fighting colds an awful lot too these past couple weeks. Snotty nose, itchy eyes and all that good stuff. We chalk it to the fact that she is in daycare and constantly around other germ-filled children as well as the changing of the seasons. Who knows. Evelyn might have a touch of seasonal allergies like her Mommy.

Her “vocabulary” is also expanding…while it might not be exactly English she is starting to make more sounds and possibly even understand what we are saying to her! Although…she doesn’t seem to like that word ‘no’….whenever I say it, she usually follows with a sweet little smile like she’s some innocent angel….I’m on to you pumpkin!

We did have a ‘big’ milestone over the past couple weeks. Evelyn celebrated her first Easter, but even more ‘big’…she got her ears pierced! Jay and I took her to the Boulevard Mall to meet the Easter Bunny (who by the way…was HUGE…lol). Pumpkin was not all smiles like she was with Santa…in fact after about 45 seconds on his lap, the cry-face started to surface so we had to choose from the photos that were taken. You can tell her ‘awareness’ is increasing with each day as she is more hesitant around people she doesn’t know, but yet loves to snuggle with her Mommy and Daddy!

So we got the pictures done and then did some shopping in the mall. Evelyn is just so good…she such a Nosy Rosy that she just loves being out and about seeing all the lights, people and stuff!

Well, at the end of our shopping trip we made one final stop – Clarie’s Boutique…the piercing mecca for all Mommy’s of little girls. Jay and I looked over their starter earrings and decided to go with little ‘diamond’ ones (CZ…whatever…she’ll get diamonds soon enough the way she’s got Daddy wrapped around her finger!). So, Jay was the brave one who held her during the ‘event.’ Yes, it was an event…as soon as passer-byers realize what is about to happen they must just stop and gawk…not to mention give the Mommy’s and Daddy’s the evil eye. LOL. Jay was also the holder b/c like any Momma, I just had to get this one video camera. So, they dotted where the earrings would be placed and it was time. Evelyn quenched her head down a little with the first prick and then it was over….screams of mass hysteria and the ‘what are you doing to me’ look was on…Daddy tried to comfort her but there was still one more ear to be pierced! Holy cow….does my little girl have a set of lungs on her! They applied the soothing gel and Daddy scooped her up and within 5 minutes she was FINE people!! And all with these new sparkly ears. Although, we quickly hightailed it out of the mall for fear of continued looks of disapproval, snares and evil-eyes from the ‘on-lookers’…LOL. But first of course, I had to let friends and family know about this huge milestone! Remember that video…yeah, it was on my cell…sent to Nana, Poppa, Grandma, Grandpa, the Aunts, the Uncles and friends…. BAD IDEA…once again we were ‘meanies’ and Evelyn deserved ice cream, money…whatever she wanted. My father told me Christmas was over for me forever…Dear Lord people…we pierced her ears…we didn’t tattoo her!! LOL. After all was said and done, it is agreed that Evelyn…hard to imagine that its possible…looks even more beautiful with her new ears. And I just love watching her sleep on the video monitor because they sparkle when she rolls around…so cute!!

On Easter Sunday, Evelyn enjoyed a basket hunt at my parents house where the Easter Bunny left her some Pajama’s along with the cutest little girl baseball caps and of course a stuffed bunny for her to ‘eat’ and drool all over. Then we were off to Nana and Poppa’s where we had our Easter dinner, during which Evelyn was nice enough to nap so we could all enjoy! Much to her surprise, the Easter Bunny stopped by again and this time set up an egg hunt for her in the living room!!! Eggs filled with puffs, yogurt melts and cookies were ‘as far as the eye could’…well at least for the pumpkin I’m sure that statement is true! She also got more jammies, a cute summer outfit and more toys!! It was a really nice day as a family for her first Easter J (ps…just so we can remember years down the line…Daddy enjoyed his own Easter hunt too with cans of Bud Light hidden throughout the living room…lol!)

The weather is getting nicer and I’ve been enjoying taking Evelyn on walks after work! She just loves going outside and being nosy! We are very much looking forward to the coming summer months to spend time with her and see all her new developments. We are also VERY excited for the arrival of Evelyn’s cousin, Austin who should be here on or around June 17th!!!

Much planning and preparing is in the forefront though as Evelyn’s first birthday (May 20th) and first birthday party (May 29th) are just a little over a month away!! Where did the time go!!!
Look at those pretty ears!!!